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World Development Information Day 2024

World Development Information Day is celebrated every year on October 24, coinciding with United Nations Day. Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972, this day aims to draw global attention to development issues and promote the dissemination of information supporting international development cooperation. As we approach 2024, the significance of this observance continues to grow, emphasizing the importance of mobilizing public opinion to support sustainable development and economic progress worldwide.

What is World Development Information Day?

World Development Information Day serves as a reminder of the vital role that information plays in addressing global development challenges. It highlights the need for better access to information to foster understanding, encourage participation, and promote effective policies that drive development forward.

Date of World Development Information Day 2024

  • Date: October 24, 2024
    World Development Information Day takes place annually on this date, underscoring the global focus on development challenges and the need for international cooperation to tackle these issues effectively.

Theme of World Development Information Day 2024

While the official theme for World Development Information Day 2024 has not yet been announced, it is anticipated to revolve around:

  • Digital Inclusion: Addressing the digital divide to ensure equitable access to information and technology.
  • Sustainable Development: Leveraging information and communication technologies (ICTs) to support global goals.

In previous years, themes have often emphasized the importance of using ICTs to close gaps in access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

History of World Development Information Day

World Development Information Day was created following the adoption of Resolution 3038 (XXVII) by the United Nations General Assembly. The choice of October 24 for this observance coincides with United Nations Day to emphasize the interconnectedness of global development issues.


The concept for World Development Information Day originated from discussions on how to address the development challenges faced by many countries, particularly in the Global South. The objective was to raise public awareness about these challenges and promote international cooperation to bridge the gap between developed and developing nations.

Key Historical Milestones

  • 1972: The United Nations General Assembly establishes the day to promote awareness of development issues.
  • Ongoing Efforts: The UN has continued to emphasize the importance of information sharing and technology exchange as essential tools for achieving sustainable development.

Significance of World Development Information Day

World Development Information Day plays a crucial role in enhancing awareness about the importance of information dissemination in addressing global development issues. Here are some key aspects of its significance:

1. Promoting Global Awareness

The day serves as a platform to raise awareness about the challenges faced by developing countries, including:

  • Poverty
  • Inequality
  • Lack of Access to Education and Healthcare
  • Unemployment

By improving access to information, the global community can work together to devise solutions and foster international cooperation.

2. Mobilizing Public Opinion

Mobilizing public opinion in both developing and developed countries is essential to support development objectives. Governments, NGOs, and international bodies are encouraged to engage in campaigns that enhance understanding of the interdependent nature of global development efforts. This helps create a culture of solidarity and cooperation.

3. Encouraging the Use of ICTs

World Development Information Day highlights the importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in accelerating development. Expanding access to digital tools allows developing countries to benefit from scientific advances, improve economic productivity, and integrate more effectively into the global economy. Attention is also given to addressing the digital divide between nations.

4. Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The observance promotes the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by encouraging media and communication efforts that raise awareness and prompt action in areas such as:

  • Climate Change
  • Education
  • Gender Equality
  • Healthcare
  • Economic Growth

It underscores the vital role that accurate, accessible information plays in shaping public discourse and policy decisions.

Mobilization of Public Opinion and Development

A central objective of World Development Information Day is to mobilize public opinion to support development goals. In developing countries, governments must ensure that citizens understand the sacrifices and efforts required for economic and social progress. In developed nations, the focus is on increasing awareness of the interconnected nature of global development and the need to support developing countries through foreign aid, technical assistance, and investment.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite ongoing efforts, challenges such as poverty, hunger, and inequality persist, often exacerbated by climate change and conflicts. However, the expansion of digital technology offers new opportunities to address these challenges:

  • Education: Expanding access to online learning platforms.
  • Healthcare: Utilizing telemedicine to reach remote areas.
  • Economic Growth: Facilitating e-commerce and digital entrepreneurship.

The international community must work together to provide developing countries with the resources, infrastructure, and skills they need to harness the potential of digital technologies for sustainable development.

How to Celebrate World Development Information Day

World Development Information Day encourages various stakeholders, including governments, organizations, and individuals, to take action:

  • Share Knowledge: Promote educational campaigns and discussions that foster inclusive growth.
  • Engage in Social Media Campaigns: Use platforms to raise awareness about global development issues.
  • Participate in Events: Join discussions, workshops, or webinars that focus on the day’s themes.

World Development Information Day UPSC

World Development Information Day serves as a crucial reminder of the impact that information and collaboration can have on addressing global development challenges. By promoting awareness and mobilizing public opinion, this observance encourages collective efforts towards a sustainable and equitable future for all. As we look forward to the celebrations on October 24, 2024, let us reflect on our roles in fostering global cooperation and supporting the development objectives that can make a real difference in people’s lives.

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World Development Information Day

Why is World Development Information Day celebrated?

In 1972, the General Assembly established World Development Information Day to draw the attention of the world to development problems and the need to strengthen international cooperation to solve them.

What is the meaning of development information?

Development Information means all material information known to Vertex about a Development Candidate, including analytical results and raw data, which Merck should reasonably require in order to decide whether to make the Development Election with respect to that Development Candidate.

What is the purpose of world Day?

These days shine a light on global problems, like depleting water resources and memorialize unthinkable tragedies, like the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. But they also celebrate human achievements, from the vital role rural women play in society, to scientific contributions transforming countless lives.

What is the role of information development?

The crucial role that information plays can be gauged from the vast area'>of human acti- vities in which it finds applications that include: growth of knowledge and wisdom, decision- making and management, research and de- velopment, manufacture and industry, educa- tion and training, and academic writing.

What is the purpose of development?

The purpose and aim of development is to improve the quality of people's lives in various societal dimensions, including economic, social, environmental, cultural, and political aspects.

About the Author

Greetings! I'm Piyush, a content writer at StudyIQ. I specialize in creating enlightening content focused on UPSC and State PSC exams. Let's embark on a journey of discovery, where we unravel the intricacies of these exams and transform aspirations into triumphant achievements together!