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What is sea surface temperature rise? How does it affect the formation of tropical cyclones?

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You can start your answer by defining sea surface temperature.

    • Sea Surface Temperature (SST) refers to the temperature of the top layer of the ocean, typically measured up to a few meters in depth.
    • SST anomaly- 2 degree rise
  • The rise in SST is primarily caused by global warming. 
  • Substantiate with Data: According to IPCC, emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities are responsible for approximately 1.1°C of warming since 1850-1900.


Impact of Sea Surface Temperature Rise On the Formation Of Tropical Cyclone

    • Formation: Warmer ocean waters provide the energy and moisture needed for the formation of tropical cyclones.
      • E.g. Tropical storms form and intensify when sea surface temperatures exceed 27°C, along with large expanses of warm water
    • Intensity: Warmer ocean waters fuel the intensification of tropical cyclones→latent heat of condensation. As a storm passes over warmer waters, it absorbs more moisture, leading to stronger heavier rainfall.
      • E.g. Cyclone Amphan (2020) in the Bay of Bengal rapidly intensified into a super cyclone due to SSTs exceeding 30°C.
    • Changes in Cyclone Tracks: SST rise also influence cyclone tracks, causing storms to shift poleward or take unusual paths.
  • E.g. As per Science Direct,  tropical cyclone tracks are shifting towards higher latitudes, in part due to warming SST.
  • Impact on Cyclone Frequency: Increased sea surface temperature can lead to more cyclone in other season of a year.
    • E.g. The western Pacific region has seen a decrease in the total number of tropical cyclones but an increase in the occurrence of stronger typhoons.

Cyclone Freddy case study

  • Longest tropical cyclone on record at 36 days-February and March 2023


  • Increase in SST and consequent marine heatwaves→cause of concern.

You can highlight that Indian government has launched the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), which includes the National Adaptation Fund for Climate Change (NAFCC)–>aims to support climate-resilient infrastructure and disaster preparedness, including measures to address the impacts of rising SSTs on tropical cyclones.

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Greetings! I'm Piyush, a content writer at StudyIQ. I specialize in creating enlightening content focused on UPSC and State PSC exams. Let's embark on a journey of discovery, where we unravel the intricacies of these exams and transform aspirations into triumphant achievements together!