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Best Websites for UPSC Preparation List, Name, Importance

Websites for UPSC Preparation

At every level of the exam preparation, using the Best Website for UPSC Preparation is beneficial. The process of getting ready for the UPSC Exam has seen significant modification throughout time. More active than ever, the exam now covers practically every topic imaginable. It won’t be helpful in the long term to stick strictly to the traditional approaches or memorise the NCERT or UPSC Books. Candidates should stay informed of everything that is happening in their immediate environment as they prepare for the exam.

The internet is most helpful for this. The greatest website for UPSC preparation is one that covers current events in depth. The essay made an effort to highlight every important website that one should visit when getting ready for the UPSC Exam.

Best Websites for UPSC Preparation

In recent years, there have been a lot more online UPSC resources available. As a result, applicants are now overwhelmed or bewildered in the sea of information that is available online. Therefore, it is essential to focus on and choose the best online platform for UPSC preparation in order to save time.

Top online resources for UPSC test preparation, including Study IQ, will provide articles with knowledge relevant to the IAS Exam. Furthermore, comprehensive coverage of the day’s news, important pieces from magazines like Yojana, Kurukshetra, EPW, etc., RSTV Updates, and AIR

Best Current Affairs Website for UPSC

Current affairs play a crucial role in the preparation process. In the UPSC Prelims, where the questions are of an objective nature, it is quite important. Study IQ offers students a one-stop shop for all of their UPSC preparation needs. The best information and advice for the UPSC Exam as well as other competitive exams may be found on our website.

Have a look at the following services offered by the top website for current affairs for UPSC preparation before moving forward with choosing the best study materials for yourself:

Top Websites for UPSC Preparation

The types of resources you use have a big impact on how you prepare for the UPSC CSE. In addition to the standard books and materials, the internet is also filled with a wealth of information. A candidate should therefore continually be wary of the reliability and quality of such materials. Making the right study material option can give you a leg up on your preparation.

The following is a comprehensive list of all essential and reliable websites to help you with your UPSC preparation:

Top Websites for UPSC Preparation
List of Websites Website Link
Government of India www.india.gov.in 
Press Information Bureau www.pib.gov.in
Ministry of Home Affairs www.mha.nic.in
National Association of Software and Services Companies www.nasscom.org
Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances arc.gov.in
Law Ministry lawmin.gov.in
PRS India prsindia.org
Ministry of Finance (Budget and Economic Survey) www.indiabudget.gov.in
ISRO www.isro.gov.in
Vikaspedia (Social Security) vikaspedia.in/InDG

Tips to Read Important Website for UPSC

The Union Public Service Commission does not test a candidate’s memorization skills; rather, it assesses how well they are understanding the subtleties and moving beyond the material. If candidates wish to ace this test, they must have a solid study strategy. The following guidelines should be followed when using the websites for UPSC preparation:

  • Try to narrow down the information that is pertinent and will be helpful when preparing. Being puzzled after reading a lot on a subject;
  • Divide your webpages into sections for Prelims and Mains.
  • Prelims exam a candidate’s factual knowledge, but UPSC Mains call for a well-read critical analysis.

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Websites for UPSC Preparation FAQs

Can I study IAS without coaching?

If approached with the right strategies one can crack this exam in the very first attempt.

Is NCERT is enough for UPSC?

NCERT books alone may not be sufficient for the preparation of the IAS exam.

Who clears IAS without coaching?

Vandana Singh managed to crack UPSC exam in her first attempt and she did not take help from any coaching centre.

Is UPSC tough for average students?

Yes, an average student can crack the UPSC exam with hard work, dedication, and smart study hours and plans.

How many subjects read daily for UPSC?

According to the IAS Study Time Table, one should study two subjects (GS Paper and UPSC Optional subject) every day.