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UPSC Mains Sociology Question Paper 2024, Download PDF

UPSC Sociology Optional Paper 2024 was conducted on 29 September  2024, in the morning and evening shifts by UPSC. Sociology is one of the optional subjects among the 48 subjects. It comprises 2 papers, Paper I and Paper II, each with 250 marks, totaling 500. Aspirants who have Opted Sociology as optional in the UPSC Exam can check the UPSC Mains Sociology Question Paper 2024 PDF in this article.

UPSC Sociology Optional Paper 2024 Overview

The Sociology optional paper consists of two papersPaper I and Paper II, each carrying 250 marks for a total of 500 marks. Sociology has emerged as a popular optional subject among candidates preparing for the UPSC Civil Services Exam. This trend can be attributed to several factors that make Sociology not only accessible but also relevant to the contemporary socio-political landscape. Here’s a brief overview:

Particulars Details
Exam Name UPSC Civil Services Exam
Optional Papers in UPSC Mains Exam 2 Papers
Optional Paper I Sociology Optional Paper-I
Optional Paper II Sociology Optional Paper-II
Optional Weightage 25% of the total marks of the Written Exam and Personality Test
Total Optional Subjects in the UPSC CSE Exam 48 Subjects
Sociology Optional Sociology Optional Paper-I and Paper-II
Total Marks in Optional 500 Marks (250 marks each)

UPSC Sociology 2024 Paper Download PDF 

The UPSC Sociology 2024 question papers will be released by the Union Public Service Commission shortly after the exam. Candidates can expect to access both Paper I and Paper II in PDF format directly from the official UPSC website. You can also Download UPSC Sociology 2024 question papers PDF from Link Below:

Question Paper Download PDF
UPSC Sociology Optional Paper-I Available Soon
UPSC Sociology Optional Paper-II Available Soon

How to Download UPSC Sociology 2024 Question Papers?

  • Visit UPSC Website: Go to www.upsc.gov.in.
  • Examinations Section: Click on the ‘Examinations’ tab in the main menu.
  • Previous Year Papers: Select ‘Previous Year Papers’ or relevant links for the Civil Services Examination.
  • Locate Sociology Papers: Find links for UPSC Sociology 2024 Paper I and Paper II.
  • Download PDFs: Click on the links to open and download the question papers.
  • Save and Analyze: Save the PDFs for review and analysis for exam preparation.

UPSC Sociology 2024 Paper Analysis

UPSC Sociology Optional Paper 1

1. Sociology – The Discipline:

  • Modernity and Social Changes: How sociology emerged in response to changes in Europe.
  • Scope of Sociology: What sociology covers and how it compares to other social sciences.
  • Sociology vs. Common Sense: Understanding how sociology differs from everyday thinking.

2. Sociology as Science:

  • Scientific Method: What science is and how it is critiqued.
  • Research Methodology: Major theories guiding research methods.
  • Positivism: Understanding positivism and its critiques.
  • Fact, Value, and Objectivity: The relationship between facts and values in sociology.
  • Non-Positivist Methods: Exploring alternative research methodologies.

3. Research Methods and Analysis:

  • Qualitative vs. Quantitative: Differences between these two research methods.
  • Data Collection Techniques: How data is gathered for research.
  • Key Concepts: Understanding variables, sampling, hypothesis, reliability, and validity.

4. Sociological Thinkers:

  • Karl Marx: Ideas on historical materialism, class struggle, and alienation.
  • Emile Durkheim: Concepts of division of labor, social facts, and the role of religion.
  • Max Weber: Theories on social action, authority, and the protestant ethic.
  • Talcott Parsons: Ideas on social systems and pattern variables.
  • Robert K. Merton: Concepts of manifest and latent functions, conformity, and deviance.
  • George Herbert Mead: Theories on self and identity.

5. Stratification and Mobility:

  • Key Concepts: Understanding equality, inequality, hierarchy, poverty, and deprivation.
  • Theories of Stratification: Structural functionalist, Marxist, and Weberian theories.
  • Dimensions of Stratification: Class, status groups, gender, ethnicity, and race.
  • Social Mobility: Types of mobility, open vs. closed systems, and causes of mobility.

6. Work and Economic Life:

  • Social Organization of Work: How work is organized in different societies like slave, feudal, and industrial/capitalist societies.
  • Formal vs. Informal Work: Differences between formal organizations and informal work settings.
  • Labour and Society: The relationship between labor and society.

7. Politics and Society:

  • Theories of Power: Sociological perspectives on power.
  • Power Structures: Understanding the power elite, bureaucracy, pressure groups, and political parties.
  • Key Concepts: Nation, state, citizenship, democracy, civil society, and ideology.
  • Social Actions: Protest, agitation, social movements, collective action, and revolutions.

8. Religion and Society:

  • Theories of Religion: Sociological views on religion.
  • Types of Religious Practices: Examples include animism, monism, pluralism, sects, and cults.
  • Religion in Modern Society: The relationship between religion and science, secularization, and trends like revivalism and fundamentalism.

9. Systems of Kinship:

  • Key Concepts: Family, household, and marriage.
  • Types of Families: Different forms and structures of families.
  • Lineage and Descent: Understanding family lineage and descent patterns.
  • Patriarchy and Labor: The role of patriarchy and the division of labor by gender.
  • Contemporary Trends: Modern changes in kinship systems.

10. Social Change in Modern Society:

  • Theories of Social Change: Different sociological perspectives on how societies change.
  • Development vs. Dependency: Concepts related to social and economic development.
  • Agents of Change: Key factors that drive social change.
  • Education and Change: The role of education in promoting social change.
  • Science, Technology, and Change: How advancements in science and technology affect society.


  • Test candidates’ theoretical knowledge and understanding of foundational concepts in sociology.

UPSC Sociology Optional Paper 2

A. Introducing Indian Society:

(i) Perspectives on the study of Indian society:

  • Indology (GS. Ghurye).
  •  Structural functionalism (M N Srinivas).
  •  Marxist sociology ( A R Desai).

(ii) Impact of colonial rule on Indian society :

  • Social background of Indian nationalism.
  •  Modernization of Indian tradition.
  •  Protests and movements during the colonial period.
  •  Social reforms

B. Social Structure:

(i) Rural and Agrarian Social Structure:

  • The idea of Indian village and village studies-
  •  Agrarian social structure – evolution of land tenure system, land reforms.

(ii) Caste System:

  • Perspectives on the study of caste systems: GS Ghurye, M N Srinivas, Louis Dumont, Andre Beteille.
  •  Features of caste system.
  •  Untouchability – forms and perspectives

(iii) Tribal communities in India:

  • Definitional problems.
  •  Geographical spread.
  •  Colonial policies and tribes.
  •  Issues of integration and autonomy.

(iv) Social Classes in India:

  • Agrarian class structure.
  •  Industrial class structure.
  •  Middle classes in India.

(v) Systems of Kinship in India:

  • Lineage and descent in India.
  •  Types of kinship systems.
  •  Family and marriage in India.
  •  Household dimensions of the family.
  •  Patriarchy, entitlements and sexual division of labour.

(vi) Religion and Society:

  • Religious communities in India.
  •  Problems of religious minorities.

C. Social Changes in India:

(i) Visions of Social Change in India:

  • Idea of development planning and mixed economy.
  •  Constitution, law and social change.
  •  Education and social change.

(ii) Rural and Agrarian transformation in India:

  • Programmes of rural development, Community Development Programme, cooperatives, poverty alleviation schemes.
  •  Green revolution and social change.
  •  Changing modes of production in Indian agriculture .
  •  Problems of rural labour, bondage, migration.

(iii) Industrialization and Urbanisation in India:

  • Evolution of modern industry in India.
  •  Growth of urban settlements in India.
  •  Working class: structure, growth, class mobilization.
  •  Informal sector, child labour
  •  Slums and deprivation in urban areas.

(iv) Politics and Society:

  • Nation, democracy and citizenship.
  •  Political parties, pressure groups , social and political elite.
  •  Regionalism and decentralization of power.
  •  Secularization

(v) Social Movements in Modern India:

  • Peasants and farmers movements.
  •  Women’s movement.
  •  Backward classes & Dalit movement.
  •  Environmental movements.
  •  Ethnicity and Identity movements.

(vi) Population Dynamics:

  • Population size, growth, composition and distribution.
  •  Components of population growth: birth, death, migration
  •  Population policy and family planning.
  •  Emerging issues: ageing, sex ratios, child and infant mortality, reproductive health.

(vii) Challenges of Social Transformation:

  • Crisis of development: displacement, environmental problems and sustainability.
  •  Poverty, deprivation and inequalities.
  •  Violence against women.
  •  Caste conflicts.
  •  Ethnic conflicts, communalism, religious revivalism.
  •  Illiteracy and disparities in education.


  • Assess candidates’ ability to analyze current societal challenges and provide sociological insights.


  • Paper 1 emphasizes theoretical frameworks and the historical development of sociology.
  • Paper 2 bridges theory with practice, encouraging candidates to apply sociological concepts to real-world problems. This dual approach prepares aspirants for both academic and practical examinations in sociology.


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Greetings! I'm Piyush, a content writer at StudyIQ. I specialize in creating enlightening content focused on UPSC and State PSC exams. Let's embark on a journey of discovery, where we unravel the intricacies of these exams and transform aspirations into triumphant achievements together!


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