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UPSC Konkani Literature Syllabus for IAS Mains 2023, Download PDF

UPSC Konkani Syllabus

The UPSC Civil Services examination includes an optional subject called Konkani Literature. The language is mainly spoken in Goa, coastal Karnataka and Maharashtra. It is listed in the eighth schedule of the Indian Constitution, making Konkani one of the country’s 22 official languages.

Candidates should review the UPSC Konkani Literature Syllabus, which is optional for IAS Mains. Konkani has rich live literature and a long history. Paper-I and Paper-II are the optional topics papers. Applicants should choose this topic if they have studied Konkani in a formal educational setting or if it is their mother tongue.

This optional subject is one of 48 listed in the UPSC Mains syllabus. This article provides you with full information regarding the UPSC Konkani syllabus that’s required to prepare for the UPSC Syllabus.

UPSC Konkani Literature Syllabus

Aspirants who have chosen Konkani literature as an optional topic for the UPSC Mains Examination should review the Konkani Literature Syllabus. Literature has recently emerged as a realistic option for all individuals who are fluent in their chosen language. Konkani Literary Syllabus is static and smaller than most language literature syllabi, making it an excellent alternative for its speakers.

Konkani has a rich history and culture and is extensively spoken in Goa, Karnataka, and Maharashtra. The 8th schedule of the Indian Constitution recognises it as one of India’s 22 national languages.

UPSC Konkani Literature Optional Syllabus

UPSC provides a list of 48 optional subjects from which to pick. The optional subject has two papers: Paper I and Paper II. The UPSC Konkani Literature Syllabus has been broken into two parts. Each one is designed to put your knowledge and literary skills to the Exam.

Each paper is worth 250 marks, for a total of 500 marks for the UPSC Mains optional subject. The responses must be written in the Devanagari script. A higher score in this optional subject increases your chances of selection.

UPSC Konkani Literature Syllabus
UPSC Konkani Optional Syllabus for Paper I Section A- History Of Konkani Language

Grammar, origin and development, old and new standardisation, etc.


Section B- History of Konkani Literature


History, social and cultural background, Indian and western influences, etc.

Konkani Literature Syllabus for UPSC for Paper II Section A- Prose

Section B- Poetry

UPSC Konkani Literature Syllabus Paper 1 PDF

Paper 1 of Konkani Literature challenges your memory by requiring you to learn about the language and its history, syntax, etymology, new and old standardisation, as well as the history of its literature, its social and cultural context, literary movements, and so on. The whole syllabus is available below:

UPSC Konkani Literature Syllabus for IAS Mains 2023, Download PDF -_4.1

UPSC Konkani Literature Syllabus Paper 2 PDF

Paper II focuses on the applicants’ critical thinking skills. To excel in this paper, you must read all of the assigned texts thoroughly. The UPSC Konkani Literature  Syllabus for this paper is given  below:

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This article discusses the complete UPSC Konkani Syllabus for UPSC/IAS. Candidates can download the PDF in this article. For more details related to UPSC Examination; students can visit the official website of StudyIQ UPSC Online Coaching.

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Is language literature compulsory for UPSC?

While the literature optional may aid you in writing an essay, there is little overlap with the General Studies paper. As a result, all of your time spent reading ready literature will be dedicated just to the optional subject.

Which is the easiest optional subject in UPSC?

Philosophy has the shortest syllabus of any UPSC optional subject.

Which literature is best for UPSC?

IAS top performers advise aspirants to begin their UPSC preparation with NCERT books before advancing to the traditional reference works.

Which is the toughest optional subject for UPSC?

Geography is believed to be the toughest optional subject for UPSC.

Which optional is most scoring in UPSC?

When it comes to UPSC optional subjects, Anthropology is believed to be one of the greatest scorers. Because of its potential for high marks, applicants frequently choose this topic.