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UPSC IES ISS Cut Off 2023, Steps to Check the Cutoff Marks

UPSC IES ISS Cutoff 2023

UPSC publishes the IES/ISS Cutoff 2023 on its official website, upsc.gov.in. for the UPSC IES/ ISS 2023 exam, the UPSC Indian Economic Service/ Indian Statistical Service cutoff 2023 is made available in PDF format. The 2023 cutoff for the UPSC IES/ISS preliminary and final exams is made public separately. After the official announcement of the UPSC IES/ISS results, the Union Public Service Commission publishes the UPSC IES cut off 2023 marks.

The Commission determines the final UPSC IES/ISS 2023 cut off based on a number of variables, including the exam’s level of difficulty and the number of open positions. Candidates are invited to take the UPSC IES/ISS mains test if they pass the prelims exam. Final cutoff scores for the UPSC IES/ISS exam are determined out of 1200. Check the details on UPSC IES/ISS Cut off 2023 below.

UPSC IES/ISS Cut off 2023 Overview

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the Indian Statistical Service (ISS) and Indian Economic Service (IES) every year. The IES and ISS are the administrative ministerial civil services under Group A of the central civil service of the executive branch of the Indian Government. UPSC IES/ ISS Cutoff is the minimum marks that all the candidates should take for qualifying in the exam. Candidates can check all the details regarding UPSC IES/ISS Cut off 2023 Overview below in the table.


Particulars Details
Name of the Examination IES Indian Economical Services ISS Indian Statistical Services
Conducting Body UPSC Union Public Service Commission
Frequency Once a year
UPSC IES ISS Result 2023 Released on 24th August 2023
Total Vacancy 51 Posts
Exam Levels Part I: Written Examination
Part II: Viva Voce
Language English
Official Website IES ISS

UPSC IES/ISS Cutoff Marks 2022

UPSC Indian Economic Service/ Indian Statistical Service cut off is declared after the declaration of the final UPSC IES/ ISS result 2023. Applicants can check the previous year cut off of UPSC IES/ISS to predict the safe score in the upcoming UPSC IES/ ISS exam. Candidates can check UPSC IES/ISS Cutoff from the tables below.

Indian Economic Service 2022

Category Minimum qualifying standards at Written Stage (Out of 1000) Cut-off marks at Final Stage (Out of 1200)
Gen. 418 585
EWS 359 567
OBC 363 522
SC 301 469
ST 287 457

Indian Statistical Services 2022

Category Minimum qualifying standards at Written Stage (Out of 1000) Cut-off marks at Final Stage (Out of 1200)
Gen. 440 608
EWS 432 542
OBC 401 535
SC 348 498
ST 241 340

UPSC IES/ISS Cutoff Marks 2021

Indian Economic Service 2021

Category Minimum qualifying standards at Written Stage (Out of 1000) Cut-off marks at Final Stage (Out of 1200)
Gen. 440 586
EWS 429 565
OBC 373 532
SC 335 484
ST 363 479

Indian Statistical Services 2021

Category Minimum qualifying standards at Written Stage (Out of 1000) Cut-off marks at Final Stage (Out of 1200)
Gen. 486 641
EWS 442 571
OBC 460 588
SC 428 537
ST 274 358

UPSC IES/ISS Cutoff Marks 2020

Check the UPSC IES/ISS Cutoff Marks 2020 for both IES and ISS exam below in the table:

Indian Economic Services 2020

Category Minimum qualifying standards* at Written Stage (Out of 1000) Cut-off marks at Final Stage (Out of 1200)
Gen. 460 595
EWS 389 497
OBC 403 550
SC 385 507
ST 324 468

Indian Statistical Services 2020

Category Minimum qualifying standards at Written Stage(Out of 1000) Cut-off marks at Final Stage (Out of 1200)
Gen. 422 567
EWS 368 534
OBC 385 538
SC 352 489
ST 237 363

Steps to Check UPSC IES/ISS Cutoff 2023

Candidates who will attend the written examination of the UPSC recruitment should know how to check the cut off marks. For the same, you need to follow the steps which are given below to check the UPSC IES/ISS Cutoff marks.

Step 1: Visit the official website of UPSC – www.upsc.gov.in

Step 2: A new page will appear on the candidate screen and the UPSC IES/ISS Cutoff marks will be open in a PDF format.

Step 3: Candidate then can click on the direct link as given above.

Step 4: The candidate can take a look at the UPSC IES/ISS Cutoff marks category wise (general/OBC/ SC/ ST)

Step 5: The candidate can then download or take a printout of the cut off marks for future reference.

Factors Affecting UPSC IES/ISS Cut off 2023

There have been various factors that determines the cut off of UPSC Indian Economic Service/ Indian Statistical Service 2023.

  • Candidates appeared in the Exam
  • Level of difficulty of the UPSC IES/ ISS exam
  • Total number of IES/ ISS vacancies
  • Cutoff marks of Previous Year

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UPSC IES/ISS Cutoff 2023 FAQs

Who is eligible for ISS exam 2023?

The candidates who have applied for the UPSC IES/ISS examination, age should be between 21-30 years.

What is the cut off marks for IES exam?

IES cut off 2022 for qualifying preliminary exam will be 15% of the total marks i.e. 75 out of 500 for general and reserved category, while 10% of total marks for PH category candidates.

What is the salary of IES ISS officer?

The salary is Rs 67,000- (annual increment @3%) – Rs 79,000

How many attempts are there in UPSC ISS?

A maximum number of attempts a candidate can appear for UPSC IES ISS examination is 6.

Where are ISS officers trained?

The National Statistical System Training Academy (NSSTA), Greater Noida (UP) is the training academy for the ISS officers.