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UPSC EPFO DAF Form 2023, Check Direct DAF Link


UPSC released a notice regarding opening the Detailed Application Form (DAF) registration portal for the Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer posts on its official website- upsc.gov.in on September 11, 2023. It will be possible to complete the UPSC EPFO DAF form between September 12 and September 21, 2023. Anyone who has qualified for the exam may register on the commission’s official website.

The recruitment effort intends to fill 577 positions altogether. On July 2, 2023, the recruiting test was held, and on July 22, 2023, the results were released.

UPSC EPFO DAF Form 2023, Check Direct DAF Link -_4.1


UPSC EPFO DAF Form 2023 for APFC

The UPSC EPFO APFC notification was released on the official website on 21 February 2023. The APFC Notification contains all the details regarding UPSC EPFO APFC Exam. Candidates are advised to go through the detailed UPSC APFC Notification to get an idea about the demands of the APFC Exam. Download UPSC EPFO APFC Notification PDF from the link given below.


Direct Link of UPSC EPFO DAF Form 2023

“The Detailed Application Form (DAF) must be completed and submitted by all shortlisted candidates; otherwise, their applications will be rejected. The Detailed Application Form (DAF) must be submitted by September 21, 2023, at 1700 hours. The opportunity for candidates to complete their detailed application forms (DAF) will be open from September 12 through September 21 (1700 hrs.) on the Commission’s website, https://upsconline.nic.in, according to the official notification. The Direct Link of UPSC EPFO DAF Form 2023 is provided below:

Direct link of UPSC EPFO DAF 2023.

Steps to fill UPSC EPFO DAF Form 2023

On February 21, 2023, a summary of the UPSC EPFO Notification 2023 announcing 577 openings for Enforcement Officer (EO), Accounts Officer (AO), and Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC) posts at the Employee Provident Fund Organization was published. The comprehensive APFC Notification is available at www.upsc.gov.in. Check the Steps to fill UPSC EPFO DAF Form 2023 below:

Step 1: Go to the official website of UPSC.

Step 2: Under What’s New section, Click on, DAF: EO /AO IN EPFO 2023

Step 3: Then click on the” Click Here” under Link.

Step 4: After registration, login (by Email ID/ Mobile Number/ OTR ID) to verify the already registered OTR application.

Step 5: Fill Out the UPSC EPFO DAF.

Step 6: Download the application form and take a print for future reference.

The candidates are advised to keep a print-out of the Detailed Application Form (DAF) filled by them. They are also advised to visit the Commission’s website (https://upsc.gov.in) regularly for the updates of the above Recruitment.

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Is EPFO a good job?

UPSC recruits candidates for the posts of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC), Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer which is a highly lucrative job.

Is UPSC APFC conducted every year?

UPSC EPFO exam is conducted by UPSC for different positions like EO/AO, APFC under the administration of the Ministry of Labor and Employment.

What is the last date for EPFO form 2023?

UPSC EPFO Apply Online has been started from 25th February 2023 and the EPFO last date for application is 17th March 2023 for UPSC EPFO Notification.

Will UPSC EPFO be held in 2024?

UPSC EPFO 2024 will likely be conducted in the second week of May 2024.

Is UPSC EPFO a permanent job?

UPSC EPFO EO & AO posts are permanent positions under Level-8 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC, General Central Service Group 'B', Non-Ministerial.