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UPPSC Cut Off 2024 Excepted, Check Previous Year Cut off Trends

The UPPCS Expected Cutoff 2024 shows the minimum marks required by candidates to qualify for the next round of the recruitment process. This prediction is based on factors such as the difficulty level of the exam, the number of candidates, vacancies, and past cutoff trends. This article will explore the expected cutoff, influencing factors, and trends in past years to help aspirants strategize their preparation.

UPPSC Prelims Cut off 2024 (Excepted)

The Commission will release the UPPSC PCS cut-off on the final result on its website. The factors that determine the UP PCS cut-off difficulty level are the number of candidates who applied, the number of vacancies, and past cut trends. As per the UPPSC exam analysis, questions asked in the prelims exam were easy to moderate level. We have provided the category-wise UPPSC PCS expected cut-off marks for the prelims exam below.

Expected UPPSC Cut Off 2024
Category Prelims Cut Off (Expected)
General 120-125
OBC 115-120
SC 100-105
ST 90-95
EWS 118-123
PwD 90-95

Candidate can check UPPSC Answer key 2024 Here!


UPPSC Cut Off Marks

Only General Studies I is used to determine the UPPSC Prelims Cut-Off scores. The General Studies II or CSAT exam is purely qualifying in nature and does not count towards merit ranking. To qualify for the main exams, applicants must pass the GS II paper with a minimum score of 33%.The UPPSC Cut Off Marks represent the scores of the last applicant chosen depending on the availability of positions in a given category. Only after the final PCS Exam results for that particular year are announced does the UPPSC publish the UPPSC Cut-off marks for both the Preliminary and Main exams. The PCS cut-off marks are determined by the UPPSC based on the following factors.

  • The number of vacancies for which the exam is being held.
  • The exam was taken by a total of applicants.
  • The exam’s level of difficulty.
  • The normalization process ensures that the exam is uniform.

Candidate can download UPPSC Question Paper 2024 PDF Here!

UPPSC Qualifying Marks

Candidates must obtain UPPSC qualifying marks in order to qualify for the examination. Candidates who receive less than the prescribed minimum score will be disqualified. The minimum qualifying marks for UPPSC are as follows:

UPPSC Qualifying Marks
Category PCS Prelims Qualifying Marks PCS Mains Qualifying Marks
SC/ST 35% 35%
Other Categories 40% 40%

The commission specifies the criteria for resolving tie cases, and if there are any cases of a tie, i.e. when two or more candidates have received the same number of marks, the necessary action will be taken by the concerned authorities.

Steps To Check Uttar Pradesh PSC PCS Cut-Off Marks?

Candidates can check the UPPSC cut-off marks by visiting the official website or by following the steps outlined below.

  • Step 1: Go to UPPSC’s official website.
  • Step 2: Click on the ‘UPPSC PCS Cut off’ link that appears on your screen.
  • Step 3: A new window will open with the UPPSC PCS cut-off marks 2023 PDF file.
  • Step 4: You can now check the UPPSC PCS 2023 cut-off for each category and post.
  • Step 5: Remember to save the PDF file of the UPPSC PCS cut-off 2023 for future reference.

UPPSC PCS Prelims Cut-off 2023

Candidates who appeared for the UPPSC Prelims 2023, which was conducted on 14th May 2023 by UPPSC, can check the UPPSC Prelims final Cut Off 2023 in the table below. The cut-off marks are determined by the difficulty level of GS Papers 1 and 2 (CSAT). The UPPSC cut-off marks for the PCS 2023 preliminary exam are listed below.

UPPSC Prelims Official Cut Off 2023
Category of Candidates UPPSC Prelims Cut Off Marks
Unreserved 125
OBC 128
SC 112
ST 109
PwD 99
Female Candidates 124

UPPSC Prelims Official Cut Off 2023 PDF

UPPSC Previous Years Cut Off Marks

The previous year’s UPPSC cut-off marks are given for candidates to understand the trend followed over the years.

UPPSC Prelims Cut Off 2021

Category  UPPSC 2021 Cutoff Marks
General 115-120
OBC 113-118
SC 96-100
ST 85-100
PwD 92-107
Females 112-117

UPPSC Cut Off 2020

PCS Prelims Cut Off 2020
Categories Marks of Last Selected Candidate (Out of 200) Number of Selected Candidates
Unreserved 110 1545
SC 95 701
ST 77 52
OBC 110 1015
EWS 112 362
Dependant of Freedom Fighter 106 30
Female 104 653
Ex-Serviceman 100 39
Differently Abled Persons of Uttar Pradesh
OA 96 13
PB 81 27
PD 86 13
OA/OL/PB/PD/BA 108 13
OA/OL/PB/PD 109 13

UPPSC Cut-Off 2019

PCS Prelims Cut Off – 2019
Category UPPCS Previous Year Cut Off
Unreserved Category 117
SC 99
ST 77
OBC 116
EWS 117

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UPPSC PCS Cut Off 2023 FAQs

What is the cutoff marks for UPPCS?

The UPPSC PCS Cutoff 2023 is: 125 for General Category

Is UPPSC Prelims Paper 2 qualifying?

In case of (Upper) the 'Cut-off' is decided on the basis of General Studies (Paper I) (as Paper II is CSAT qualifying only).

How many marks are there in UPPSC PCS prelims?

As per the UP PCS exam pattern, there will be two General Studies papers in the Prelims carrying 200 marks each.

What is the passing marks for prelims paper 2?

Candidates need to score at least 33% or at least 66 marks to qualify for this paper.