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Third Voice Of Global South Summit

The Third Voice of Global South Summit, scheduled for August 17, 2024, represents a critical juncture in international diplomacy and global governance, particularly for developing nations. This summit, hosted by India, is part of a broader initiative aimed at amplifying the voices of the Global South—a collective term referring to countries in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and other developing regions. Understanding the significance of this summit is essential for UPSC aspirants, as it touches upon several key areas, including international relations, sustainable development, and global governance.

Third Voice Of Global South Summit

The Third Voice of Global South Summit, hosted by India on August 17, 2024, brings together developing nations to discuss shared challenges and priorities. With the theme “An Empowered Global South for a Sustainable Future,” the virtual summit aims to address global issues like climate change, food and energy security, and conflicts. It includes Leaders’ and 10 Ministerial Sessions, fostering collaboration and ensuring the Global South’s voice is heard in global governance.

Event Third Voice of Global South Summit
Date August 17, 2024
Host India
Format Virtual
Theme “An Empowered Global South for a Sustainable Future”
Objective Address global challenges and foster collaboration among Global South nations
Key Issues Climate change, food and energy security, conflicts
Sessions Leaders’ Session and 10 Ministerial Sessions
Significance Amplifying the voice of developing nations in global governance

Background and Evolution

The Voice of Global South Summit (VOGSS) is a diplomatic initiative spearheaded by India, with the first summit held virtually on January 12-13, 2023, followed by the second edition on November 17, 2023. The initiative aligns with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas aur Sabka Prayas (Collective Effort, Inclusive Growth, Mutual Trust, and Collective Resolve). This vision is deeply rooted in India’s philosophy of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (The World is One Family), which advocates for global cooperation and mutual respect.

The summit aims to provide a platform for developing countries to share their perspectives, challenges, and priorities on global issues. The insights and feedback gathered from these summits have significantly influenced discussions in global forums, particularly within the G-20 framework under India’s presidency in 2023.

Objectives and Themes

The overarching theme for the Third Voice of Global South Summit is “An Empowered Global South for a Sustainable Future.” This theme underscores the importance of sustainable development and the need for inclusive growth strategies that consider the unique challenges faced by developing countries. The summit aims to:

  1. Address Global Challenges: The summit will focus on complex global issues such as conflicts, food and energy security crises, and climate change—challenges that disproportionately affect developing nations.
  2. Foster Collaboration: By bringing together countries from the Global South, the summit aims to promote collaborative solutions tailored to the developmental needs of these regions.
  3. Influence Global Governance: The summit seeks to ensure that the concerns and priorities of the Global South are adequately represented in global governance structures, particularly in forums like the United Nations and the G-20.

Structure and Sessions

The Third VOGSS will be held in a virtual format, similar to its predecessors, and will be structured into Leaders’ Sessions and 10 Ministerial Sessions. The inaugural session, hosted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, will feature heads of state and government and will focus on the central theme of the summit.

The Ministerial Sessions will cover the following themes:

  1. Foreign Ministers: “Charting a Unique Paradigm for Global South”
  2. Health Ministers: “One World-One Health”
  3. Youth Ministers: “Youth Engagement for a Better Future”
  4. Commerce/Trade Ministers: “Trade for Development – Perspectives from Global South”
  5. Information & Technology Ministers: “DPIs for Development – A Global South Approach”
  6. Finance Ministers: “People-Centric Approach to Global Finance”
  7. 2nd Foreign Ministers’ Session: “Global South and Global Governance”
  8. Energy Ministers: “Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Sustainable Future”
  9. Education Ministers: “Prioritizing Human Resource Development: A Global South Perspective”
  10. Environment Ministers: “Pathways for Progress – A Global South Perspective on Mitigating Climate Change”

Significance for India and the Global South

The Third Voice of Global South Summit is not just a diplomatic event but a strategic platform for India to strengthen its leadership role among developing nations. India’s proactive stance in organizing and leading these summits highlights its commitment to the concerns of the Global South. The outcomes of these summits have the potential to:

  • Enhance India’s Diplomatic Influence: By positioning itself as a leader of the Global South, India can enhance its diplomatic influence in international forums, thereby advancing its strategic interests.
  • Promote Sustainable Development: The focus on sustainable development is aligned with India’s domestic and international policy objectives, including its commitments to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Strengthen Global Governance: The summit’s emphasis on inclusive global governance can lead to reforms in international institutions, ensuring that the voices of developing nations are heard and respected.

Challenges and Opportunities

While the summit presents significant opportunities for collaboration and influence, it also faces several challenges:

  • Diverse Interests: The Global South comprises a diverse group of countries with varying interests, making consensus-building a complex task.
  • Geopolitical Tensions: The ongoing geopolitical tensions, particularly between major powers, could overshadow the collaborative efforts of the Global South.
  • Implementation of Outcomes: Translating the summit’s outcomes into actionable policies and reforms in global governance structures remains a significant challenge.

However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and leadership. By effectively addressing these challenges, the Global South can emerge as a powerful bloc in international relations, capable of shaping global policies and ensuring sustainable development.


The Third Voice of Global South Summit represents a critical moment for developing nations to assert their influence on the global stage. For UPSC aspirants, understanding the significance of this summit is essential, as it touches upon various aspects of international relations, sustainable development, and global governance. As India continues to lead this initiative, the outcomes of the summit will have far-reaching implications, not just for the Global South, but for the entire world.

This summit not only underscores the importance of global cooperation but also highlights India’s pivotal role in advocating for the rights and interests of developing nations. As such, it serves as a crucial case study for those preparing for the UPSC examination, particularly in the areas of international relations and global governance.

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Greetings! I'm Piyush, a content writer at StudyIQ. I specialize in creating enlightening content focused on UPSC and State PSC exams. Let's embark on a journey of discovery, where we unravel the intricacies of these exams and transform aspirations into triumphant achievements together!

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