The adoption of electric vehicles is rapidly growing worldwide. How do electric vehicles contribute to reducing carbon emissions and what are the key benefits they offer compared to traditional combustion engine vehicles?
Q15. The adoption of electric vehicles is rapidly growing worldwide. How do electric vehicles contribute to reducing carbon emissions and what are the key benefits they offer compared to traditional combustion engine vehicles? (15m) - Environment & DM Introduction Electric...
Last updated on September 17th, 2023 03:17 pm -
Distinguish between ‘care economy’ and ‘monetized economy’. How can care economy be brought into monetized economy through women empowerment?
Q12. Distinguish between ‘care economy’ and ‘monetized economy’. How can care economy be brought into monetized economy through women empowerment? (15m) Economy Introduction The 'care economy' encompasses unpaid and informal caregiving work, often performed by women within households, while the...
Last updated on September 17th, 2023 03:11 pm -
What are the direct and indirect subsidies provided to farm sector in India? Discuss the issues raised by the World Trade Organization (WTO) in relation to agricultural subsidies.
Q14. What are the direct and indirect subsidies provided to farm sector in India? Discuss the issues raised by the World Trade Organization (WTO) in relation to agricultural subsidies. (15m) - Agriculture Introduction Agriculture sector’s share in GDP is 17%...
Last updated on September 17th, 2023 03:07 pm -
Explain the changes in cropping pattern in India in the context of changes in consumption pattern and marketing conditions.
Q13. Explain the changes in cropping pattern in India in the context of changes in consumption pattern and marketing conditions. (15m) - Agriculture Introduction Cropping pattern in India is characterised with changes in time and space. As agriculture in India...
Last updated on September 17th, 2023 03:06 pm -
How does e-Technology help farmers in production and marketing of agricultural produce? Explain it
Q3. How does e-Technology help farmers in production and marketing of agricultural produce? Explain it. (10m) - Agriculture Introduction Importance of Agriculture – Core sector for food security, nutritional security, and sustainable development & for poverty alleviation. It contributes approx....
Last updated on September 17th, 2023 03:02 pm -
Comment on the National Wetland Conservation Programme initiated by the Government of India and name a few India’s wetlands of international importance included in the Ramsar Sites.
Q17. Comment on the National Wetland Conservation Programme initiated by the Government of India and name a few India's wetlands of international importance included in the Ramsar Sites. (15m) - Environment & DM Introduction Wetlands, the Kidney of the Earth, ...
Last updated on September 17th, 2023 02:38 pm -
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) by our adversaries across the borders to ferry arms/ammunitions, drugs, etc., is a serious threat to the internal security. Comment on the measures being taken to tackle this threat.
Q10. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) by our adversaries across the borders to ferry arms/ammunitions, drugs, etc., is a serious threat to the internal security. Comment on the measures being taken to tackle this threat. (10m) - Internal...
Last updated on September 17th, 2023 02:35 pm -
Faster economic growth requires increased share of the manufacturing sector in GDP, particularly of MSMEs. Comment on the present policies of the Government in this regard.
Q1. Faster economic growth requires increased share of the manufacturing sector in GDP, particularly of MSMEs. Comment on the present policies of the Government in this regard. (10m) - Economy Introduction: MSMEs contribution to the country’s GDP is nearly a...
Last updated on September 17th, 2023 02:31 pm -
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has predicted a global sea level rise of about one metre by AD 2100. What would be its impact in India and the other countries in the Indian Ocean region?
Q18. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has predicted a global sea level rise of about one meter by AD 2100. What would be its impact in India and the other countries in the Indian Ocean region? (15m) Environment...
Last updated on September 17th, 2023 02:29 pm -
State the objectives and measures of land reforms in India. Discuss how land ceiling policy on landholding can be considered as an effective reform under economic criteria.
Q4. State the objectives and measures of land reforms in India. Discuss how land ceiling policy on landholding can be considered as an effective reform under economic criteria. - Agriculture Introduction Land reform refers to efforts to reform the ownership...
Last updated on September 17th, 2023 02:27 pm