
  • Relevance of StudyIQ Blogs in UPSC Exam Preparation

    Some Examples of StudyIQ Blog Asked in UPSC Mains 2023 There are some examples quoted here to show how much StudyIQ Blogs are relevant for the UPSC exam which we have covered in detail in our different categories like Daily...

    Last updated on July 8th, 2024 07:50 pm
  • Women’s Reservation Bill 2023, Need, Provisions and Latest Update

    Women Reservation Bill: Even 75 years after the independence, Parliament lacks substantial representation from half the population, with just 14% of seats held by women, highlighting the importance of passing the “Women's Reservation Bill” to harness women's key role in...

    Last updated on September 23rd, 2023 04:17 pm
  • Archaeological Survey of India, Act, Establishment, Headquarters

    Archaeological Survey of India The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is an Indian government agency in charge of archaeological research, conservation, and preservation of the country's cultural heritage. The British government established it in 1861, and it is headquartered in...

    Published On September 20th, 2023
  • Folk Dances of India List, Names, State wise List of Folk Dances of India

    Folk Dances of India In India, there are many different cultures and traditions. The Indian culture is highly distinctive because of its diversity in all areas. Indian folk and tribal dances are a result of various socioeconomic conditions and long-standing...

    Published On September 20th, 2023
  • UPSC Essay Paper 2023 Analysis, Check PDF Download Link

    UPSC Essay Paper 2023 Analysis The UPSC Essay Paper is an important component that evaluates candidates' knowledge as well as their ability to clearly and simply express concepts. This analysis explores the subtleties of this exam section, revealing trends, approaches,...

    Published On September 18th, 2023
  • Do not hate anybody, because that hatred that comes out from you must, in the long run, come back to you. If you love, that love will come back to you, completing the circle. – Swami Vivekananda

    Q3c. Do not hate anybody, because that hatred that comes out from you must, in the long run, come back to you. If you love, that love will come back to you, completing the circle. - Swami Vivekananda (10m) Ethics...

    Last updated on August 16th, 2024 02:18 am
  • Ethics GS 4 2023– Case Study 2

    Q8. A landslide occurred in the middle of the night on 20th July. 2023 in a remote mountain hamlet, approximately 60 kilometres from Uttarkashi. The landslide was caused by torrential rains and has resulted in large-scale destruction of property and...

    Last updated on August 16th, 2024 09:05 pm
  • Ethics GS 4 2023– Case Study 6

    Q12. You hold a responsible position in a ministry in the government. One day in the morning you received a call from the school of your 11-year-old son that you are required to come and meet the Principal. You proceed...

    Last updated on August 16th, 2024 01:01 am
  • Ethics GS 4 2023– Case Study 5

    Q11. A new lady architect, Seema, trained at Manchester School of Architecture, UK joined as Senior Architect in your division. During the briefing about the project, Seema made some suggestions which would not only add value to the project, but...

    Last updated on August 16th, 2024 02:14 am
  • Ethics GS 4 2023– Case Study 4

    Q10. Vinod is an honest and sincere IAS officer. Recently, he has taken over as Managing Director of the State Road Transport Corporation, his sixth transfer in the past three years. His peers acknowledge his vast knowledge, affability and uprightness....

    Last updated on August 16th, 2024 02:32 am