indian polity

  • Charter Act of 1793, History, Objective, Feature, Provision and Significance

    Charter Act of 1793 Read all about Charter Act of 1793. The East India Company Act 1793, also referred to as the Charter Act 1793, was approved by the British Parliament in order to renew the charter of the East...

    Last updated on May 26th, 2024 03:58 pm
  • Indian Councils Act 1892, History, Objective, Feature, Significance and Drawbacks

    Indian Councils Act 1892 The Indian Councils Act of 1892 was passed with the intention of expanding the size of various Indian legislative councils and so enhancing Indian participation in British India's government. The Indian Councils Act of 1892 marks...

    Last updated on May 26th, 2024 03:55 pm
  • Indian Councils Act 1861, History, Provision, Significance & Drawbacks

    Indian Councils Act 1861 The British Parliament approved the Indian Councils Act 1861 on August 1st, changing the makeup of the Governor General's council for both legislative and executive reasons. The involvement of Indians in the legislative process was this...

    Last updated on December 4th, 2023 03:21 pm
  • Charter Act of 1853, History, Objective, Feature and Provision

    The Charter Act 1853 Read all about the Charter Act 1853. The East India Company's last charter act was the one from 1853. In contrast to preceding charter acts from 1793, 1813, and 1833, which extended the charter for 20...

    Last updated on May 26th, 2024 03:59 pm
  • Constituent Assembly of India, Members, Chairman, Working

    Constituent Assembly A well-established fact is that the Constitution of India is the supreme law of the country and is the torchbearer of the basic political code, powers and duties of the government. Even the Parliament of not empowered to...

    Last updated on May 26th, 2024 03:52 pm
  • Adjournment Motion Meaning, Purpose, Procedure & Limitations

    Adjournment Motion The Lok Sabha now has a procedure called an Adjournment Motion that can be used to bring up a pressing matter. It is a mechanism that suspends the House's usual business in order to discuss and resolve a...

    Last updated on July 7th, 2023 12:33 pm