indian polity

  • Judicial Doctrines, List of Doctrines of Indian Constitution

    Judicial Doctrines Judicial Doctrine is a principle, concept, or stance that is frequently used and maintained by legal authorities. There are various judicial theories that evolve throughout time in accordance with the interpretations provided by the judiciary in Indian constitutional law...

    Last updated on July 7th, 2023 12:03 pm
  • Articles 12 and 13 of Indian Constitution, Definition of State & Law

    Articles 12 and 13 Articles 12 and 13 are the Fundamental Rights under Part III of the Constitution of India. A State is defined by the Indian Constitution's Article 12 while Article 13 deals with the laws that are inconsistent...

    Last updated on July 7th, 2023 12:28 pm
  • India Nepal Border Dispute, Map, Kalapani & Susta Conflicts

    India Nepal Border Dispute India and Nepal enjoy excellent bilateral ties. These relationships are close, all-encompassing, and multifaceted because they are based on the long-standing connections between history, culture, tradition, and religion. They are more noticeable when people interact in...

    Last updated on July 7th, 2023 12:29 pm
  • India China Border Dispute, Border Map, Conflicts, Major Disputes

    India China Border Dispute A territorial dispute or boundary dispute is a disagreement between two or more political entities over the possession or control of the land. They are often related to the possession of natural resources such as rivers,...

    Last updated on July 7th, 2023 12:29 pm
  • India-Pakistan Border Dispute, Major Disputed Regions, Map

    India Pakistan Border Dispute Since, 75 years of India’s independence, India has been in boundary disputes with nearly all its neighbours. It is the result of arbitrarily drawing the boundaries of nations by the British. Over the years leaders of...

    Last updated on July 7th, 2023 12:29 pm
  • Non-Resident Indian & Person of Indian, Eligibility, Difference

    Non-Resident Indian Meaning An Individual is considered an NRI who stays in India for less than a period of 182 days during the period of the preceding financial year. They can be an individual who has gone out of India...

    Last updated on May 26th, 2024 03:49 pm
  • Overseas Citizenship of India, Meaning, Card, Eligibility

    Overseas Citizenship of India The Constitution of India does not permit dual citizenship in India (Article 9). Overseas Citizenship is a status of immigration that authorizes an Indian residing in a foreign nation who has his origin in India to...

    Last updated on July 7th, 2023 12:30 pm
  • Citizenship of India, Articles, Acquisition & Loss of Citizenship

    Citizenship Meaning Citizenship can be defined as the full and equal membership of a political community in a country. In the modern world, nations grant their citizens certain rights as well as a collective political identity. Citizens, enjoy all political...

    Last updated on July 7th, 2023 12:30 pm
  • Jammu and Kashmir UT, History, Capital, Map, Former Special Status

    Jammu and Kashmir At the time of Independence, India as a nation comprised British India and the Princely States. The Princely States covered about 2/5th of the geographic territory. While the Indian Independence Act 1947 ceded control of British India...

    Last updated on December 4th, 2023 03:58 pm
  • Charter Act of 1793, History, Objective, Feature, Provision and Significance

    Charter Act of 1793 Read all about Charter Act of 1793. The East India Company Act 1793, also referred to as the Charter Act 1793, was approved by the British Parliament in order to renew the charter of the East...

    Last updated on May 26th, 2024 03:58 pm