Muhammad Shah, Introduction, Early life, Reign and Contribution
Muhammad Shah Introduction Read all about Muhammad Shah in this article. Nasir-ud-Din The twelveth Mughal Emperor, also known as Muammad Shah, ruled from 1719 to 1748. He was the fourth son of Bahadur Shah I, Khujista Akhtar. With the help...
Last updated on January 6th, 2023 02:55 pm -
Farrukh Siyar, History, Reign, Significance and Final Crisis
Farrukh Siyar Farrukh Siyar was a vile poltroon who met the same end six years later, in 1719, as Jahandar Shah. With the assistance of two Mughal vazirs known as the Sayyid Brothers, Syed Hassan Ali Khan Barha and Syed...
Last updated on January 6th, 2023 01:39 pm -
Jahandar Shah, Introduction, Early Life, Reign Ijarah System and Coinage
Jahandar Shah Introduction Read complete details about Jahandar Shah. The Mughal Emperor Jahandar Shah, also known as Mirza Muhammad Mu'izz-ud-Di, ruled from 1712 to 1713. Abu'l Fath Mu'izz-ud-Din Shahanshahi His full name was Muhammad Jahandar Shah Sahib-i-Qiran Padshah-i-Jahan. Prince Jahandar...
Last updated on January 5th, 2023 07:21 pm -
Later Mughals, Introduction, List and Later Mughal Emperor
Later Mughal Introduction Read all about the Later Mughals.The rebirth of regional identities during the time between approximately 1707 CE and around 1761 CE (from Aurangzeb's death to the time of the Third Battle of Panipat, where Ahmad Shah Abdali...
Last updated on January 5th, 2023 03:52 pm -
Decline of Mughal Empire, Introduction, History and Causes
Decline of Mughal Empire Read all about Decline of Mughal Empire. The Successor States emerged in its stead after the Mughal Empire disintegrated in the 1750s. The Mughals enjoyed direct rule over nearly all of India until 1707. When Aurangzeb...
Last updated on January 5th, 2023 01:14 pm -
French East India Company, History, Establishment, Decline and Danish East India Company
French East India Company Read all about French East India Company. The 17th century saw France participate in the East India trade as the last of the major European naval powers. Sixty years after the founding of the English and...
Last updated on January 5th, 2023 11:48 am -
Dutch East India Company, History, Establishments, Factories & Decline
Dutch East India Company Dutch East India Company was referred to as Dutch Colonies. Towns and business operations in India were under the administration of the Dutch East India Company. More of a geographical than a political force, Dutch India...
Last updated on January 4th, 2023 06:07 pm -
Portuguese in India, History, Rise, Administration, Impact and Decline
Portuguese in India Learn all about Portuguese Portuguese in India. Estado da ndia, often known as Portuguese India, was the name given to the regions of India that the Portuguese ruled from 1505 until December 1961. The Portuguese were the...
Last updated on January 4th, 2023 04:47 pm -
Advent of Europeans, History, New Routes and Chronological Order
Advent of Europeans The arrival of Europeans in India is considered the beginning of modern India's history. The Oxus Valley, Syria, and Egypt were all stops along the lengthy and meandering trade routes that connected India and Europe. Following Vasco...
Last updated on January 4th, 2023 01:52 pm -
Anglo Sikh Wars, First & Second Anglo Sikh Wars, History, Causes, Impact
Anglo-Sikh War Read all about Anglo-Sikh Wars. The British started fighting Sikh troops because they were closely observing the events in Punjab and had their sights set on the lush plains on the opposite side of the Sutlej. Anglo-Sikh ties...
Last updated on January 3rd, 2023 09:04 pm