
  • Sikh State, Introduction, Administration, Rise and Decline

    Sikh State Read all about the Sikh State. Guru Nanak established the Sikh empire around the end of the 15th century. The Jat farmers and other lower castes of the Punjab were converted to the Sikh religion. Guru Hargobind initiated...

    Last updated on May 28th, 2024 02:57 pm
  • Awadh Kingdom, History, Jagir Administration and Nawab of Awadh

    Awadh Kingdom Awadh Kingdom, formerly known as the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh before independence, is a territory and proposed kingdom in the modern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is also also referred to as Avadh or Oudh...

    Last updated on May 28th, 2024 04:04 pm
  • Bengal Province, History, Features, Murshid Quli Khan and Nawab of Bengal

    Bengal Province Read all about Bengal Province. The Bengali governorship was given to Murshid Kuli Khan by Mughal Emperor Farrukshiyar in 1717. He attained the titles of Nizam (governor) and Diwan (revenue collector), which gave him nearly all authority and helped...

    Last updated on May 28th, 2024 03:13 pm
  • Hyderabad Kingdom, History, Mughal Conquest, Rise and Decline

    Hyderabad Kingdom The Hyderabad Kingdom, commonly referred to as Hyderabad Deccan, was an independent nation in south-central India. Kilich Khan, often referred to as Nizam-ul-Mulk, was the creator of the Asaf-Jah dynasty in Hyderabad. Zulfikar Khan was the first to...

    Last updated on May 28th, 2024 03:58 pm
  • Emergence of Regional State, History, Beginning and Successor State

    Emergence of Regional States Read all about Emergence of Regional States. When the Mughals lost favour in the eighteenth century, provincial governors revolted, and a few captured countries declared independence. As a result, new regional kingdoms emerged, including the Maratha,...

    Last updated on May 28th, 2024 03:19 pm
  • Ahmad Shah Abdali, Introduction, Early Life and Family, Invasion in India

    Ahmad Shah Abdali Ahmad Shah Abdali, also known as Ahmad Shah Durrani or Ahmad Khan Abdali, was the founder of the Durrani Empire and the contemporary state of Afghanistan. Ahmad Shah Abdali (or Ahmad Shah Durrani), who was chosen to succeed Nadir Shah...

    Last updated on May 28th, 2024 04:27 pm
  • Mir Qasim & East India Company, Treaty, Measure Taken and Conflict

    Mir Qasim & East India Company Following the Battle of Chinsura, the British overthrew Mir Jafar and installed Mir Kasim as the new Nawab of Bengal. Mir Kasim soon started to demonstrate his own will and embrace his aspirations of...

    Last updated on May 26th, 2024 02:07 pm
  • Nadir Shah Invasion, History, Massacre Caused and Damage on Mughal Empire

    Nadir Shah Invasion Read all about Nadir Shah Invasion. One of the most powerful kings in Iranian history, Nadir Shah Afshar established the Afsharid dynasty and ruled Iran (Persia) as shah from 1736 until his assassination in 1747 as a...

    Last updated on May 28th, 2024 04:00 pm
  • Muhammad Shah, Introduction, Early life, Reign and Contribution

    Muhammad Shah Introduction Read all about Muhammad Shah in this article. Nasir-ud-Din The twelveth Mughal Emperor, also known as Muammad Shah, ruled from 1719 to 1748. He was the fourth son of Bahadur Shah I, Khujista Akhtar. With the help...

    Last updated on May 28th, 2024 03:20 pm
  • Farrukh Siyar, History, Reign, Significance and Final Crisis

    Farrukh Siyar Farrukh Siyar was a vile poltroon who met the same end six years later, in 1719, as Jahandar Shah. With the assistance of two Mughal vazirs known as the Sayyid Brothers, Syed Hassan Ali Khan Barha and Syed...

    Last updated on May 26th, 2024 02:33 pm