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StudyIQ Abhyaas: Daily Answer Writing Practice 15 September 2023

Q) How does part IV of the Indian constitution seek to establish social and economic democracy in the country? (15 marks, 250 words)

भारतीय संविधान का भाग IV देश में सामाजिक और आर्थिक लोकतंत्र की स्थापना कैसे करता है?

Demand of the Question– The question demands understanding of the origin of DPSPs, its provisions and case laws.

Directive Word– How- This keyword requires mentioning the provisions and describing them in detail along with examples and case laws.

Structure of the Answer

Intro- Give an introduction of DPSPs, and provide articles to establish link between DPSPs and social and democratic welfare intended by DPSPs.

Body-Describe the various aspects of DPSPs which intend/seek to establish social and economic democracy. Cover how these provisions do so, and what are the threats to the provisions and how can these be protected. Provide articles and case laws while covering aspects.

Conclusion-State the importance of DPSPs, especially in protecting social and economic democracy.

Part of Syllabus– GS Paper 2- Indian Constitution—historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions and basic structure.


Q) “Do you agree with the view that although Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is desirable, it should be voluntary? Give reasons in support of your view (10 Marks, 150 Words) 

क्या आप इस विचार से सहमत हैं कि यद्यपि समान नागरिक संहिता (UCC) वांछनीय है, यह स्वैच्छिक होनी चाहिए? अपने विचार के समर्थन में तर्क दीजिए।

Demand of the Question-This question demands understanding of UCC, Personal laws and purpose of its inclusion as DPSP.

Directive Word-Do you agree- It demands a qualified opinion based on reports, political scientists or Constitutional Organization. While making an opinion, both sides should be discussed equally.

Structure of the Answer

Intro-Start by describing what is UCC, mention the article and rationale of its inclusion as DPSP.

Body-Discuss about pros and cons of both the sides, that is including and excluding. Backup the arguments with reports from the Law Commission, Ministries and Supreme Court case laws. Discuss what will be implications, and mention important case laws of Supreme courts.

Conclusion-Take a balanced approach highlighting the importance of affecting UCC and the status quo.

Part of Syllabus– GS Paper 2- Indian Constitution—historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions and basic structure.


Q) Why are urban areas more vulnerable to flooding than rural areas? Discuss guidelines issued by NDMA on urban flood management. (15 marks, 250 words)

ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों की तुलना में शहरी क्षेत्र बाढ़ के प्रति अधिक संवेदनशील क्यों हैं? शहरी बाढ़ प्रबंधन पर एनडीएमए द्वारा जारी दिशानिर्देशों पर चर्चा कीजिये।

Demand of the Question-The question requires understanding of flooding in urban areas, urban flood management and NDMA guidelines for the same.

Directive Word

Why- This requires a cause-effect explanation of the issue.

Discuss- This requires describing the details of the NDMA guidelines, their benefits, shortcomings and how those can be improved.

Structure of the Answer

Intro-Start by describing what urban flooding is, use data to state its importance. Mention the vulnerable areas.

Body-In the first part mentions reasons why urban areas are prone to floods. And in the second part, mention reasons why rural areas are less prone to flood. The third part requires mentioning details of NDMA guidelines. Make a short discussion about the pros and cons of these guidelines and what can be done to improve them.

Conclusion-Conclude by establishing urgency to curb threat of urban flooding by some report or data.

Part of Syllabus– GS Paper 3- Disaster and disaster management

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