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Context: Recently, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has released new data on international arms transfers.
SIPRI Report on Global Arms Import Trends
- Ukraine became the largest arms importer globally in 2020-24, witnessing a nearly 100-fold increase in imports compared to 2015-19, primarily due to its ongoing war with Russia.
- India ranked as the second-largest arms importer, though its imports declined by 9.3% compared to 2015-19.
- China dropped out of the top 10 arms importers for the first time since 1990-94, reflecting its strengthened domestic defense industry.
- Pakistan’s arms imports increased by 61% from 2015-19 to 2020-24.
- China dominated as Pakistan’s main supplier, contributing to 81% of total imports.
- European arms imports grew by 155%, driven by concerns over Russian aggression.
Global Arms Export Trends
- Russia’s Declining Arms Exports: Russia’s global arms exports fell by 64%, now making up just 8% of the global market.
- France’s Rising Arms Exports: France overtook Russia as the second-largest arms exporter in 2020-24, accounting for 6% of global exports.
- Major buyers of French arms: India (28%) (largest recipient) & Qatar (9.7%).
- U.S.A. has expanded its dominance, increasing its share to 43% of global arms exports.
India’s Arms Imports |
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
- It is a globally renowned institute dedicated to research on conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament.
- It was founded in 1966. It is based in Stockholm.
- SIPRI provides critical data and analysis on global security issues, particularly related to military expenditures and the arms trade, in its Yearly Book.