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Sergeant Plan of Education 1944, Objectives and Recommendations

Sergeant Plan of Education 1944

The Sargent Plan of Education 1944 was one of numerous actions the British did to advance education in India. In 1944, John Sargent was charged with coming up with a comprehensive plan for Indian education. 22 people made up the 22-person committee.

In 1944, they presented their report to the Central Advisory Board of Education, which approved it and decided to put it into practice. The establishment of the national education system in India began with the publication of this report. For applicants preparing for the UPSC Exam, this article contains all the information about the Sergeant Plan of Education.

Sergeant Plan of Education History

In 1944, the Central Advisory Board of Education produced the Sargent Analysis, a thorough report on the evolution of education following World War II.

It envisioned an educational system that included universal, free, and mandatory primary basic education for all children between the ages of 6 and 11 (junior basic) and 11 to 14 (senior basic), as suggested by the Wardha Scheme, with senior basic or middle school serving as the final stage in the school careers of the majority of students. The research suggested that middle school students should have access to a choice of courses.

These classes ought to be created to help students get into both colleges and industrial and commercial vocations. It was suggested that the high school curriculum should last six years.

Objectives of Sergeant Plan of Education

Both should aim to give students a solid all-around education while also giving them some late-stage preparation for the vocations they plan to pursue once they graduate from school.

All secondary schools are required to offer instruction in the mother tongue. The Sargent Report also made several other recommendations, including the elimination of adult illiteracy in about 20 years, comprehensive support for teachers’ proper training, support for children with physical and mental disabilities, the organization of mandatory physical education, support for social and recreational activities, and the establishment of departments of education in the federal government and in the states.

The Sargent Report was the first comprehensive plan to address all levels and facets of education, including technical, vocational, and professional education. This included pre-primary, primary, high school, and university education.

It offered all students the same opportunities. The teaching profession was given the respect it deserved. It was also advised to improve the pay scales and working conditions for instructors. The paper highlighted the value of productive education.

Key Recommendations of Sergeant Plan of Education 1944

Below are the key recommendations of the Sergeant Plan:

Recommendations Details
Universal and Free Education
  • Primary Education: Free, universal, and compulsory education for children between the ages of 6 and 11.
  • Secondary Education: Education for children aged 11 to 17, divided into junior (11–14) and senior (14–17) stages.
  • The target was to achieve universal primary education within 40 years.
Pre-primary Education Pre-primary education for children between 3 and 6 years to ensure early childhood development.
Higher Education
  • Expansion of higher education opportunities.
  • Establishment of universities with emphasis on science and technical education.
  • Provision of scholarships to ensure equity in access.
Vocational and Technical Training
  • Development of vocational and technical education for students not pursuing higher education.
  • Training aimed at creating skilled workers for industrial and economic development.
Teacher Training
  • Improvement of teacher training programs to ensure the quality of education.
  • Better remuneration and status for teachers to attract talented individuals to the profession.
Adult Education and Literacy
  • Introduction of adult education programs to combat illiteracy among the adult population.
  • Use of radio and other modern methods for mass education.
Education for Girls and Women
  • Special focus on increasing educational opportunities for girls and women.
  • Emphasis on gender equality in education.
Health and Physical Education
  • Integration of health education and physical training into the curriculum.
  • Development of school health services.
Special Education Provisions for education of children with disabilities.
Administrative Reforms
  • Establishment of centralized and state-level education authorities to oversee reforms.
  • Increased public spending on education to ensure adequate resources.
Cultural and Moral Education Inclusion of cultural and moral education to promote national integration and ethical values.

Sergeant Plan of Education UPSC

The Sargeant Plan of Education was the first plan that considered education at every level. Additionally, emphasis was placed on teacher preparation. The emphasis is on preparing the pupils to become independent in the future. Additionally, emphasis was placed on physical disability education. The education department was formed by the government in 1945. This article provides comprehensive information on the Sargent Report for UPSC Exam Preparation.

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What is Sargent scheme of education 1944 also known as?

In 1944, the Central Advisory Board of Education produced the Sargent Assessment, a thorough report on the state of education following World War II.

What was the conclusion on Sargent Report 1944?

The Central Advisory Board of Education recommended that students with disabilities be fully mainstreamed in its 1944 Sargent Report. The Sargent Report asserted that inclusion was the only means of delivering education, refusing to debate its efficacy.

What was the amount estimated for the Sargent plan?

According to the Sargent Report, there would be an annual cost of Rs. 300 crores for the entire system to be implemented.

What was the recommended duration of training for graduate teachers by Sargent Report 1944?

The Scheme of Post War Educational Development in India is another name for the Sargent Report. The creation of the University Grants Commission (UGC) was advised, and a three-year degree programme was also suggested.

What were the main points of Sergeant Scheme of Studies?

A central goal of the Sargent Scheme was the educational reconstruction of India.