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Retreating Monsoon

North East/Retreating Monsoon

  • It refers to the withdrawal of the southwest monsoon from India, starting in early October and lasting until November.
  • During this phase, the wind pattern reverses, moving from the land towards the sea as the low-pressure zone over the northern plains weakens and a high-pressure zone develops.

Phenomena Behind Retreating Monsoon

  • Weakened Low Pressure: As the land cools faster than the ocean in autumn, the low-pressure system that brought monsoon rains to the Indian subcontinent weakens.
  • Change in Wind Direction: The winds shift from southwesterly to northeasterly as they blow from the high-pressure areas over the land to the low-pressure areas over the sea.
  • Reduced Rainfall: Rainfall gradually decreases as moisture-laden winds retreat, but the coastal regions still receive showers, often in the form of cyclones.

States Benefiting from Retreating Monsoon:

  • Tamil Nadu: It receives significant rainfall during this period, unlike during the southwest monsoon.
  • Andhra Pradesh: Coastal areas benefit from occasional rains.
  • Karnataka and Kerala: Some parts, especially coastal regions, receive rainfall during the retreat.

Difference between South West Monsoon & NorthEast Monsoon

Feature South West Monsoon NorthEast Monsoon
Duration June to September October to December
Rainfall Contribution About 75% of annual rainfall in India Approximately 11% of annual rainfall in India
Geographical Impact Affects most of India, especially the western and central regions Primarily impacts Tamil Nadu, coastal Andhra Pradesh, and Rayalaseema
Wind Direction Winds from the southwest (Arabian Sea) Winds from the northeast (Bay of Bengal)
Temperature Changes Sudden drop in temperature; high humidity Less dramatic temperature changes; cooler conditions can prevail
Agricultural Impact Critical for kharif crops like rice and cotton Important for rabi crops, particularly rice and maize in the southeastern states
Variability More consistent rainfall patterns Highly variable; can lead to droughts or floods depending on the year

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I, Sakshi Gupta, am a content writer to empower students aiming for UPSC, PSC, and other competitive exams. My objective is to provide clear, concise, and informative content that caters to your exam preparation needs. I strive to make my content not only informative but also engaging, keeping you motivated throughout your journey!

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