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‘Probity is essential for an effective system of governance and socio-economic development.’ Discuss.

Q5(b). ‘Probity is essential for an effective system of governance and  socio-economic development.’ Discuss.


Effective system of governance and socio-economic development are intricately linked to each other in a developing and welfare state like India. Probity ensures that these two processes are sustainable and inspire confidence in the working of the government.


Requirement for ensuring probity in governance

  • Absence of corruption
  • Effective laws, rules and regulations governing every aspect of public life 
  • An effective and fair implementation of those laws.

Need for probity for effective system of governance:

    • Ensuring transparency in governance: ensures that government actions are open to public scrutiny, reducing the likelihood of corruption and promoting good governance.
      • E.g. The Right to Information (RTI) Act in India is a potent tool that empowers citizens to seek information from public authorities.
    • Ensuring rule of law: According to Gunnar Myrdal in his book ‘Asian Drama’, India is a ‘soft society’ as their is Lack of will to enact laws. Probity thus helps in ensuring rule of law.
    • Promoting innovation and competiton: Probity in regulatory bodies helps create a level playing field, fostering competition and driving innovation in industries.
      • E.g. The Competition Commission of India has often intervened to ensure fair competition in the various sectors.
  • Legitimacy of government: India’s free and fair elections, conducted by the Election Commission, enjoy global acclaim for their integrity.
  • Checks and balances: The existence of checks and balances through probity mechanisms prevents misuse of power and resources.
  • E.g. the CAG’s report on the 2G spectrum allocation scandal led to corrective actions and legal proceedings.

Need for probity in socio-economic development:

  • Effective resource allocation: E.g. Aadhaar has helped in plugging leakages in the distribution of subsidies and benefits, ensuring that resources are targeted more effectively to those in need.
  • Ensuring equity: E.g. Probity in the implementation of MGNREGA ensures that job opportunities are distributed fairly, benefiting marginalized communities.
  • Inclusive development: Probity in the selection of beneficiaries under PM Jan Dhan Yojana ensures that the intended recipients, often from economically weaker sections, receive the benefits.
  • Bringing sustainability in development: Probity in the allocation of funds, selection of target areas, and monitoring of progress has ensured the success of Swachch Bharat Abhiyan in many areas.


In the intricate web of governance and socio-economic development, the thread of probity weaves a tapestry of trust, transparency, and progress. Winston Churchill once wisely said, “The price of greatness is responsibility.” India, as a developing and welfare-driven nation, understands the price it must pay for a brighter future.


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