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List of Indian State Flowers, Indian Flowers Statewise List

Indian Flowers Statewise List

There are 28 states in India, and each one is unique. Whether it be their culinary traditions, dance forms, fashion sense, or tongues. Similar to this, every state in India has its own flower to symbolise the diversity of the nation. India’s national flower, the lotus, is important to the country’s history, culture, and mythology. On this page, you will discover information about the different state flowers of several Indian States, along with their scientific or binomial names. All the Information related to Indian State Flower for competitive exams like UPSC is mentioned in this article.

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List of State Flowers of India

Nearly all of India’s state flowers are included in this list. Go over the list in detail and familiarize yourself with these state emblems. Each state has a unique culture, and their state symbols reflect this diversity. For information on the Indian State Flowers List and their scientific names, see the table below.

States Flower Binomial Name
Andhra Pradesh Water Lily Nelumbo
Arunachal Pradesh Lady’s Slipper Cypripedioideae
Assam Foxtail Orchids Rhynchostylis gigantea
Bihar Pot Marigold (Genda) Calendula officinalis
Gujarat Marigold (Galgota) Tagetes erecta
Haryana Lotus Nelumbo nucifera
Himachal Pradesh Rhododendron Rhododendron ponticum
Jharkhand Parrot Tree Butea monosperma
Karnataka Lotus Nelumbo nucifera
Kerala Golden Shower Tree Cassia fistula
Madhya Pradesh Parrot Tree Butea monosperma
Maharashtra Tamhini, Jarul Lagerstroemia speciosa
Manipur Siroi Lily Lilium mackliniae
Meghalaya Lady’s Slipper Cypripedioideae
Mizoram Red Vanda Renanthera imschootiana
Nagaland Rhododendron Rhododendron ponticum
Odisha Ashoka Saraca asoca
Rajasthan Rohira Tecomella undulata
Sikkim Noble Orchid Cymbidium goeringii
Tamil Nadu Glory lily Gloriosa superba
Telangana Senna auriculata Caesalpinioideae
Tripura Nag Kesar Mesua ferrea
Uttar Pradesh Palash Butea monosperma
Uttarakhand Brahma Kamal Saussurea obvallata
West Bengal Night-flowing Jasmine Nyctanthes arbor-tristis


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Which state is famous for flowers?

Nelumbo nucifera is the state flower of Karnataka and Haryana as well as the national flower of India.

Which state national flower is Lotus?

State flower of Karnataka, Haryana, and Jammu and Kashmir is the lotus. The national flower of India is the lotus, Nelumbo Nucifera Gaertn. It is a sacred flower that holds a special place in ancient Indian art and mythology. Since the dawn of time, it has served as an auspicious symbol of Indian culture.

Which flower is queen of India?

The rose plant, sometimes known as the "queen of flowers," is thought to be necessary for any garden. In South India's moderate climate, flowers bloom perpetually throughout the year, whereas in North India's plains, roses only produce beautiful blooms in the winter.

Which flower is the king of India?

Rose is referred to as the "king of flowers."

What is the rarest flower in India?

The Neelakurinji, one of the rarest flowers in the world, only blooms once every 12 years in Kerala, a state in southwest India, when it colors the hills a deep violet.

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