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Case Study of the Day: Kerala Government’s Year of Enterprises Project


The Kerala government was facing a number of challenges in the early 2020s. The state’s economy was stagnant, and there was a high unemployment rate. In addition, the government was facing a number of fiscal constraints.

In 2021, the Kerala government launched the Year of Enterprises project. The goal of the project was to create a more conducive environment for businesses to start and grow. The project included a number of initiatives, such as providing financial assistance to start-ups, simplifying the regulatory environment, and strengthening the state’s entrepreneurship ecosystem.


The Year of Enterprises project has been a success. The state’s economy has started to grow, and the unemployment rate has fallen. In addition, the government has received positive feedback from businesses about the project.

Best Practices

The Kerala government’s Year of Enterprises project is a good example of how a government can use its resources to create a more business-friendly environment. The project has a number of best practices that can be replicated by other governments. These include:

  • Focusing on start-ups: The project focuses on start-ups, which are often the drivers of economic growth.
  • Providing financial assistance: The project provides financial assistance to start-ups, which can help them get off the ground.
  • Simplifying the regulatory environment: The project simplifies the regulatory environment, which makes it easier for businesses to start and grow.
  • Strengthening the entrepreneurship ecosystem: The project strengthens the state’s entrepreneurship ecosystem, which provides businesses with the support they need to succeed.


The Kerala government’s Year of Enterprises project is a success story. The project has helped to create a more conducive environment for businesses to start and grow, which has led to economic growth and job creation. The project’s best practices can be replicated by other governments that are looking to improve their business climate.

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