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EPFO Study Material, List of Important Topics for EPFO

EPFO Study Material

The recruitment procedure for the position of Enforcement officer will be handled by the Union Public Service Commission. However, the level of competition might be seen as being relatively high given the large number of candidates and the limited number of seats available. As a result, the first necessity in the UPSC EPFO Study Material is that you have an efficient UPSC preparation approach.

UPSC EPFO Study Material

On February 25, 2023, the Union Public Service Commission issued the UPSC EPFO notification. Candidates who intend to apply for the test must begin their preparation immediately, and for this, they require the best UPSC EPFO study materials so they can quickly comprehend each and every topic and be able to answer questions from each topic, regardless of their level of difficulty.

EPFO Exam Syllabus

There are two parts to the UPSC EPFO Syllabus for 2023: the Recruitment Test (RT) and the Interview. Candidates must pass both examinations to be chosen in the end. Nine key topics are covered in Tier 1 of the UPSC EPFO (recruitment test). The exam will be worth 100 points with a 75% weighting and have a two-hour time limit.

The second step is the interview, which has a weighted score of 100 and 25%. There isn’t a set curriculum for this paper. Candidates will be assessed based on their performance during the interview and their phase 1 score. The complete UPSC EPFO Syllabus 2023 is available here.

EPFO Exam Syllabus

Subjects Details
Mathematics General Mental Ability – A sequence of figures, Series, Blood Relations, Directions, Syllogism, Seating Arrangement, Puzzle Test, Statement and Conclusion, Statement and Inferences, Data sufficient.

Quantitative Aptitude – Algebra, HCF and LCM, Average, Mixtures and Alligation, Ratio and Proportion, Partnership, Percentage and its application, Simple Interest, etc.

Statistics (APFC)- Describing and displaying data, Linear regression and correlation, Experiments and sampling, Probability, Hypothesis tests and confidence intervals

English Idioms & Phrases, Tenses, Word Formation, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms & Antonyms, Verb & Adverb, Preposition, Error Correction, Subject-Verb Agreement, Question Tag, Sentence Rearrangement, Cloze Test
History Indian Freedom Struggle – Causes of the Rise of Indian National Movement, Revolt of 1857 – First War of Independence Against British; The Lucknow Pact, 1916; Important Indian Freedom Fighter; Indian Nationalism; The Moderate Phase; Morley-Minto Reforms; The Rowlatt Act and the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre; Partition of Bengal 1905; Indian National Movement – Extremist Period; Revolutionaries in the Indian Freedom Movement; The Rise of Gandhi in Indian Freedom Struggle; Non-Cooperation Movement; Indian Independence Act 1947 Home Rule Movement; Salt Satyagraha; Moplah Rebellion of 1921; Simon Commission; Swaraj Party; Gandhi-Irwin Pact; First Round Table Conference 1930; Cripps Mission; Quit India Movement; Indian National Congress Sessions.

Indian Culture (APFC)- Stone Age, The Harappan Civilization, Mauryan Period, Post- Mauryan Phase, The period of Shungas, Kanvas, and Satavahanas, Kushana Empire, Gupta Empire, Temple Architecture Styles, Literature and Philosophy

Polity Indian Constitution, historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, Parliament and State Legislatures – structure, functioning, the conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues arising out of these, Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes, Important aspects of governance, transparency and accountability, e-governance- applications, models, successes, limitations, and potential; citizens charters, transparency & accountability and institutional and other measures. Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues/
Economy Economic growth and development – basic concept and definition of economy and economics, use and transfer of resources, distributive effects, macro and microeconomic policy, micro-macro balance, the distributive impact of economic policies, Inclusion – definition, relevance, types, financial inclusion, recent initiatives. Fiscal policy – definition, component, receipts, revenue and capital account, tax revenue, expenditure, budget.
Industrial Relation & Labour Laws Constitution of India, Maternity Benefit Act, Factories Act, Trade Union Act, Minimum Wages Act, Strikes and lockouts, Workmen’s Compensation Act, Industrial Disputes Act (IDA), Equal Remuneration Act, Employees State Insurance Act, Industrial Tribunals, Labour Bureau, Welfare Commissioners, Child Labour Act, Unorganised Labour; International Labour Organisation (ILO).
General Accounting Principles Accounting Concepts – Separate Entity Concept, Money Measurement Concept, Going Concern Concept, Dual Aspect Concern, Realization Concept, Cost Concept,

Accounting Period Concept, Matching Concept, Accounting Conventions – Conservatism, Consistency, Full Disclosure, Partnership, Bill of Exchange, Depreciation.

Auditing (APFC) – Audit, Governmental Audit Quality, Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality, Audit Quality

Social Security Status of Social Security in India, Social Security schemes for the Unorganised Sector, New Social Security Schemes, Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO), Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), Atal Pension Yojana (APY)

Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY), Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY), Pradhan Mantri Kisan Mandhan Yojana, etc.

General Science Biology – Human body parts, Nutrition in Animals and Plants, Diseases and their causes like Bacteria

Physics – S.I. units, Motion, Sound, Light, Wave, Energy, Electricity

Chemistry – Chemical Properties of Substances and their uses, Chemical Name of Important substances

Computer MS Word, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft Access, Boolean Algebra, Computer Networks, Emerging Technologies and Web Publishing, PC Software and Office Automation, Database Management System, Data Structures, MS PowerPoint,

MS Visio and MS Excel, Microsoft Outlook, The Internet

Population, and Globalization Population – Births and deaths, Mobility and migration, Population ageing, Population changes, Population estimates and projections

Globalisation – Global issues (category), Climate justice, Economic inequality, Fairtrade, Forced migration, Global dimming, Human overpopulation, and Human trafficking.

Insurance Basics of Insurance, Laws on Insurance, Body Regulating Insurance In India, Schemes Related to Insurance in India.

UPSC EPFO Study Materials Important Tips

The crucial ingredients for success are precise planning and committed actions. Follow the vital guidance for UPSC EPFO study material listed below to gain a thorough understanding of the UPSC EPFO test.

  • Learn about the most recent UPSC EPFO exam format.
  • Recognise the alterations made to the exam and structure your UPSC EPFO preparation accordingly.
  • List the key elements of the UPSC EPFO syllabus.
  • Put your important topics, especially your weaker ones, in order of importance.
  • Prioritise the preparation by weighing the topics’ importance and identifying their strengths and shortcomings.
  • They will be able to identify the subjects that require more focus than others thanks to this self-analysis, which will also help them plan appropriately.
  • The candidates can plan a successful exam strategy and develop methods for answering the questions within the allotted time.

Studyiq EPFO Course

Study IQ has launched two courses for the UPSC EPFO exam one EPFO Recruitment Test and second is the Crash course. Studyiq EPFO Course will help the help the students to cover the course in a comprehensive manner with multiples revision and practice questions. Interested candidates can avail both the courses for the clearing the upcoming UPSC EPFO exam which will be conducted on 2nd July 2023. The link of the course have been provided below:

Studyiq EPFO Course Link

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EPFO Study Material FAQs

Is UPSC EPFO exam tough?

Contrary to popular assumption, the exam is not particularly challenging. In actuality, the UPSC EPFO APFC Test ranges in difficulty from easy to moderate.

What is the minimum marks for EPFO interview?

Under UPSC EPFO Interview, UR-50 marks, OBC-45 marks, SC/ST/PH-40 marks

What is UPSC EPFO salary?

As per the official notification salary structure for UPSC EPFO is as per Level 8 in the 7th CPC and the Pay Scale is in the range of Rs 9300-34800.

Is EPFO a good job?

Being a highly lucrative job in the government sector, the UPSC EPFO career comes with great opportunities and benefits

Which is better EO or APFC?

EO/AO falls just in preceding hierarchy of APFC and one can become an APFC officer or get promoted to the highest CPFC or Central PF Commissioner post with career growth.