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Discussing the changes that have emerged in the institution of marriage in India in the new millennium, explain the reasons behind it.

Q) “Discussing the changes that have emerged in the institution of marriage in India in the new millennium,  explain the reasons behind it. (15 marks, 250 words)

नई सहस्राब्दी में भारत में विवाह संस्था में जो परिवर्तन आए हैं, उनकी चर्चा करते हुए इसके पीछे के कारणों की व्याख्या कीजिए।”

Demand of the Question– The question demands understanding of marriage as an institution and its change with evolving times, and reasons, and impacts on society.

Directive Word- Discuss- This demands mentioning of changes along with explaining the reasons for such changes.

Structure of the Answer

Intro- Describe marriage as an institution and its importance in Indian society. Use the name of a known sociologist for credibility.

Body- Mention features in the first part. In the second part, mention what are the changes that have occurred in these features in the new millennium (post 2000). While mentioning the changes, give reasons for those changes and also explain them with examples. In the last section state some positives and some negatives of these changes.

Conclusion– Conclude by stating the significance of marriage as an institution in Indian society. Suggest measures to cope up with the evolving changes across various facets like law, family, property, education, society, etc.

Part of Syllabus– GS Paper 1- Salient features of Indian Society

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