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Discuss the transformative applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare.

Q) Discuss the transformative applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. (10 marks, 150 words) 

स्वास्थ्य सेवा में कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता (एआई) के परिवर्तनकारी अनुप्रयोगों पर चर्चा करें। 

Demand of the Question– The question demands understanding of concept of AI, and its application in various fields in general and health in particular.

Directive Word– Discuss- The keyword demands mentioning about the concept, its procs, cons, and suggestive measures to remedy.

Structure of the Answer 

Intro- Start by describing the concept of AI. Mention its various uses, and make a link with its usage in healthcare industry.

Body- Mention about various possibilities of use of AI in healthcare. While mentioning, in each point, state why and how it can be transformative. Provide examples for the same. In the short section, mention some cons of the same.

Conclusion- Conclude by showing transformative potential of AI in general and in particular, in healthcare. Mention about its dangers and suggest ways of cautious use.

Part of Syllabus– GS Paper 2- Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health & GS paper 3- Awareness about field of IT, Technology and Computers.

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