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Delhi Sultanate
The period between 1206 and 1526 is known as the Delhi Sultanate, marking the establishment of Islamic rule in India. The rulers of this era adopted the title of Sultan, a term signifying a powerful ruler under the Caliphate. Over a span of more than three centuries, five different dynasties ruled Delhi:
- Mamluk (Slave) Dynasty (1206-1290)
- Khilji Dynasty (1290-1320)
- Tughlaq Dynasty (1320-1412)
- Sayyid Dynasty (1414-1451)
- Lodi Dynasty (1451-1526)
Among these, all except the Lodis were of Turkic origin. The Lodi Dynasty was the only Afghan dynasty to rule Delhi.
Mamluk (Slave) Dynasty (1206-1290)
The Mamluk Dynasty, also known as the Ilbari Dynasty, was the first Muslim dynasty to rule India. The term “Mamluk” means “owned” or “slave”, as its three founding rulers were originally slaves.
Qutub-ud-din Aibak (1206-1210)
- A former slave of Muhammad Ghori, Qutub-ud-din Aibak became the first ruler after his master’s death.
- He shifted the capital from Lahore to Delhi and was a great builder, constructing the Qutub Minar in Delhi in honor of Sufi saint Khwaja Qutbuddin Bhaktiyar Kaki.
- He died while playing Chaugan (polo).
Shams-ud-din Iltutmish (1211-1236)
- Aibak’s slave and successor, Iltutmish consolidated the Delhi Sultanate and ruled for 26 years.
- His policies successfully protected India from Mongol invasions, particularly from Chengiz Khan.
Razia Begum (1236-1240)
- First and only female ruler of the Delhi Sultanate.
- Faced opposition due to her gender. Allegedly had a close relationship with an Abyssinian slave, Jamal-ud-din Yakut, angering nobles.
- Conspired against, imprisoned in Bathinda, and later murdered by dacoits sent by her brother Bahram Shah.
Ghiyas-ud-Din Balban (1266-1287)
- Originally a slave of Iltutmish, he later took control of the throne.
- Strengthened the administration and introduced the doctrine of divine kingship, calling himself the Deputy of God (Niyabat-e-Khudai) and Shadow of God (Zil-e-Ilahi).
- Introduced Sijdah (prostration before the king) and Paibos (kissing the feet of the ruler) to emphasize his authority.
- His death weakened the dynasty, and his grandson Qaiqabad was eventually deposed by Jalal-ud-din Khilji in 1290, ending the Slave Dynasty.
Khilji Dynasty (1290-1320)
After Balban’s death, the Sultanate weakened, leading to the rise of the Khilji Dynasty.
Ala-ud-din Khilji (1296-1316)
- Jalal-ud-din Khilji’s nephew, he killed his uncle and took the throne in 1296.
- His empire expanded across most of India, reaching southern India.
- Built Alai Darwaza and Hauz Khas in Delhi.
- His court poets included Amir Khusrau and Mir Hasan Dehlvi.
- Defended India from Mongol invasions and strengthened military forces.
- After his death in 1316, the Khilji Dynasty collapsed.
Tughlaq Dynasty (1320-1412)
Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq (1320-1325)
- A former Governor of Punjab, he founded the Tughlaq Dynasty.
- Built the fortified city of Tughlaqabad, which became his capital.
Muhammad bin Tughlaq (1325-1351)
- Known as the “Wise Fool King” due to his ambitious yet disastrous policies:
- Shifted the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad, causing hardship for the people.
- Introduced token currency, but the system failed due to forgery.
- Created a new department for agriculture (Diwan-i-Amir-Kohi) and issued loans to farmers.
- The Moroccan traveler Ibn Battuta visited his court.
Feroz Shah Tughlaq (1351-1388)
- Focused on public welfare rather than expansion.
- Built new towns like Hisar, Ferozepur, Fatehabad, Jaunpur, and Firozabad (his capital).
- Repaired the Qutub Minar after lightning damage.
- Introduced new taxes such as Kharaj and Jizya.
- Developed the first canal irrigation system in Punjab.
- The Tughlaq Dynasty collapsed after Timur’s invasion of Delhi in 1398.
Sayyid Dynasty (1414-1451)
Founded by Khizr Khan, the Sayyid Dynasty was the fourth ruling dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate.
- Khizr Khan (1414-1421): A former Governor of Multan, he established the Sayyid rule.
- Mubarak Shah (1421-1434): Faced revolts from nobles and established the city of Mubarakabad.
- Muhammad Shah (1434-1445) and Alauddin Alam Shah (1445-1451): Weak rulers who lost control.
- In 1451, Alauddin Alam Shah voluntarily abdicated the throne to Bahlul Khan Lodi, ending the Sayyid Dynasty.
Lodi Dynasty (1451-1526)
The Lodis, an Afghan dynasty, were the last rulers of the Delhi Sultanate.
Bahlul Khan Lodi (1451-1489)
- Strengthened the empire and conquered Jaunpur, Gwalior, and Uttar Pradesh.
- Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born during his reign.
Sikandar Lodi (1489-1517)
- Expanded the empire from Punjab to Bihar.
- Known for efficient administration and promoting arts and literature.
- Introduced the Gazz-i-Sikandari measurement system.
Ibrahim Lodi (1517-1526)
- An unpopular ruler, he alienated his nobles through harsh policies.
- His uncle Alam Khan and Daulat Khan Lodi (Governor of Lahore) invited Babur to invade India.
- In 1526, Ibrahim Lodi was defeated and killed in the First Battle of Panipat, marking the end of the Delhi Sultanate and the rise of the Mughal Empire.
The Delhi Sultanate was a crucial period in Indian history, witnessing the rise and fall of five dynasties. It introduced Islamic governance, influenced architecture and culture, and laid the foundation for future rulers, including the Mughals. The First Battle of Panipat (1526) marked the end of the Sultanate era, giving way to the Mughal Empire, which would dominate Indian politics for the next three centuries.
Langah Sultanate |
The Langah Sultanate was established in 1445 by Sultan Qutb-ud-Din of the Langah tribe in Multan. It flourished as an independent kingdom in present-day Pakistan, experiencing periods of prosperity and expansion. However, despite its initial strength, the sultanate eventually succumbed to external invasions and internal conflicts, leading to its decline by the mid-16th century.
Rise and Prosperity under Sultan Husayn I (1469-1498)
Expansion under Sultan Mahmud Shah I
Decline and Fall of the Langah Sultanate (1528-1541)
Despite its brief but prosperous rule, the Langah Sultanate eventually fell due to external invasions and internal struggles, disappearing as a political entity by the mid-16th century. |
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