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Current Affairs 16th Sep 2024 for UPSC Prelims Exam

Operation Sadbhav

Context: India has launched Operation Sadbhav to provide humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) to Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam which have been hit by severe flooding caused by Typhoon Yagi.

About Operation Sadbhav

  • India has committed $1 million worth of flood relief assistance to Vietnam and $1,00,000 worth of assistance to Laos.
  • The Operation is backed by the Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force with INS Satpura and C-17 Globemaster aircraft carrying out the relief operation.
  • This operation is part of India’s broader efforts to contribute to HADR within the ASEAN region, in line with its longstanding ‘Act East Policy’.
Typhoon Yagi
  • It is a Tropical Cyclone developed in the South China Sea.
  • Affected Countries: Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos and Thailand
  • It is considered to be the world’s second most powerful tropical cyclone this year after Beryl.
  • It was named Yagi by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA).
  • Cyclones are given different names in different regions of the world:
    • Typhoons: in the China Sea and Pacific Ocean
    • Hurricanes: Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean
    • Tornados: West Africa and southern USA
    • Willy-willies: North-western Australia
    • Tropical cyclones: Indian Ocean


Q. Operations undertaken by the Army towards upliftment of the local population in remote areas to include addressing their basic needs is called: (2024)

(a) Operation Sankalp
(b) Operation Maitri
(c) Operation Sadbhavana
(d) Operation Madad

Answer: C

Sagar Parikrama Expedition

Context: After three years of preparation, two women officers from the Indian Navy will soon start a challenging sea voyage around the world called the Sagar Parikrama Expedition.

About Sagar Parikrama

  • Mission Goals: To promote seamanship, maritime heritage and gender equality through a challenging circumnavigation of the globe
  • Participants: 2 Indian Navy women officers – Lt Commander (Cdr) Roopa A and Lt Cdr Dilna K.
  • Mentorship: Cdr Abhilash Tomy (Retd.) – Hero of Golden Globe Race
  • Vehicle: Indian Naval Sailing Vessel (INSV) Tarini.
    • It is a 55-foot sailboat which was inducted into the Indian Navy in February 2017.
    • It is named after the Tara-Tarini temple in Odisha, which is considered a patron deity for sailors and merchants

Current Affairs 16th Sep 2024 for UPSC Prelims Exam_4.1

Commons/Common Resources

Context: Recently, Delhi hosted a three-day event on the conservation, restoration and governance of Commons. Over 500 grassroots participants from across India attended to discuss and promote inclusive, community-led governance frameworks.

What are Commons ?

  • Commons refer to resources that are not owned by individuals, groups or governments but shared by communities. E.g.
    • Natural Commons: Forests, rivers, lakes, grazing lands, sacred sites.
    • Urban Commons: Parks, lakes.
    • Intangible Commons: Language, folk art, traditional knowledge.
    • Global Commons: Polar regions, outer space, and planetary bodies.
    • Digital Commons: Internet resources and open-source software available under Creative Commons licences for free use.


The United Nations (UN) recognizes 4 global commons;

  • The atmosphere
  • The high seas
  • Antarctica
  • Outer space
  • Significance of Commons: They provide essential ecological services and resources which are vital for community well-being.
  • Challenges: Over-exploitation, increased stress due to climate change, lack of ownership leading to maintenance issues etc.
  • Forest Rights Act (FRA) and Its Impact:
    • It granted forest-dwellers the legal right to live and sustain their livelihoods within forest areas.
    • It acknowledged the role of local communities in managing and conserving forest resources.
    • It represents a significant shift from government-centric to community-based forest management.
  • Around one-fourth of India’s landmass (205 million acres) is estimated to be Commons, comprising community forests, pastures or water bodies.
  • Almost 350 million rural people depend on these Commons for their livelihoods.
  • These Commons generate economic value of about Rs 6.6 lakh crore annually, through the provision of goods and ecological services.

What are AM, FM, and Signal Modulation?

Context: Signal modulations such as AM, FM, and PM are crucial for transmitting information efficiently. These modulation techniques help to manage signal interference and enable clear communication across different technologies.

About AM, FM & Signal Modulation

  • Signal Modulation:
    • It is the process of encoding information on a signal by varying its amplitude, frequency, phase or other characteristics.
  • Amplitude Modulation (AM):
    • It alters amplitude of the wave while frequency remains constant. It is used in AM radio broadcasts.
    • Pros: Cost-effective and simple.
    • Cons: Prone to noise and interference.
  • Frequency Modulation (FM):
    • It alters frequency of the wave while amplitude remains constant. It is used in FM radio broadcasts.
    • Pros: Better sound quality, less noise.
    • Cons: More complex and expensive receivers.
  • Phase Modulation (PM):
    • It Alters the phase of the wave to encode information.
    • Pros: Less susceptible to amplitude fluctuations & is used for digital transmissions like Wi-Fi.
    • Cons: Not ideal for analog radio or TV broadcasts due to its digital nature.



  • The maximum distance a wave moves away from its equilibrium position. It’s measured from the wave’s highest point (crest) to its lowest point (trough).


  • The number of wave cycles that occur in one second. It’s measured in hertz (Hz).


  • The distance a wave travels during one complete oscillation. It’s measured from one peak to the next. The SI unit for wavelength is metres (m).

Current Affairs 16th Sep 2024 for UPSC Prelims Exam_5.1

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About the Author

I, Sakshi Gupta, am a content writer to empower students aiming for UPSC, PSC, and other competitive exams. My objective is to provide clear, concise, and informative content that caters to your exam preparation needs. I strive to make my content not only informative but also engaging, keeping you motivated throughout your journey!

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