Table of Contents
- A cooperative is a system constituted voluntarily to meet the common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations of the members through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.
Thus, in simple words, Cooperatives are a kind of business where individuals belonging to the same class and similar professions join their hands for the promotion of their common goals.
- Article 19 states that the Right to form co-operative societies is a fundamental right. Article
43-B provides for the promotion of co-operative societies (DPSP). Part IX-B (The Cooperative Societies) was added in the Constitution of India through the 97th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2011.
Types of Cooperatives in India
- Consumers’ Co-operative Societies
- Producers’ Co-operative Societies
- Sugar Cooperative
- Horticulture Cooperative
- Fisheries Cooperatives
- Marketing Co-operative
- Housing Co-operative
- Co-operative Credit Societies
- Co-operative Farming Societies
Cooperatives in Punjab
- Cooperatives have played a vital role in improving the economic conditions of farmers and accelerating the pace of development in Punjab. They have brought both the services and resources at the doorsteps of villagers in Punjab. These have been enthusiastically serving the people of Punjab in areas such as agriculture, housing, sugar production, and dairy, etc.
- The performance of the Cooperative Movement in Punjab is very impressive. Cooperatives constitute the major source of institutional credit for agriculture. Cooperatives are playing a pivotal role in the socio-economic development of the State. These are key instruments of themState to develop and sustain its rural economy, which is primarily agrarian. The Department of Cooperation has accelerated the Cooperative movement in Punjab.
Major Apex Cooperative Federations in Punjab
Cooperatives in Punjab
S.No | Cooperative | Established in | Headquarter |
1 | Punjab State Cooperative Milk Producers’
Federation Ltd. (MILKFED) |
1973 | Chandigarh |
2 | Punjab State Cooperative Supply & Marketing Federation Ltd. (MARKFED) | 1954 | Chandigarh |
3 | Punjab State Federation of Cooperative Sugar Mill Ltd. (SugarFed) | 1966 | Mohali |
4 | Punjab State Federation of Cooperative House Building Societies Ltd. (HOUSEFED) | 1970 | Mohali |
5 | Punjab State Cooperative Development
Federation Ltd. (Puncofed) |
1919 | Chandigarh |
6 | Punjab State Cooperative Labour & Construction Federation Ltd (Labourfed) | 1956 | Chandigarh |
7 | Punjab Institute Of Cooperative Training (PICT) | 1969 | Mohali |
8 | Punjab State Cooperative Agricultural
Development Bank Limited (PSCADB) |
1958 | Chandigarh |
9 | Punjab State Cooperative Bank (PSCB) | 1949 | Chandigarh |
10 | Punjab Urban Cooperative Bank (PUCB) | 1989 | Jalandhar |