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BPSC Normalization, Check 70th BPSC Normalization Issue in detail

Recently, the Bihar Public Service Commission, BPSC has also clarified rumors regarding normalization being used in its upcoming Integrated 70th Combined Competitive Examination on December 13, 2024. This has led to a lot of unrest among aspirants and resulted in protests and confusion.

BPSC Normalization Issue

Normalization is the statistical technique of adjusting marks obtained in exams held in several shifts. It ensures that fairness prevails throughout the process. Taking into consideration the drastic difference in difficulty level that might prevail between two shifts, normalization adjusts the marks scored by candidates who appear in the tougher shift to make it fairly on par with the other shifts.
However, the process has been criticized for having the potential to create unfair advantages or disadvantages since it may not always reflect the actual performance of candidates. Several students argue that normalization distorts results at times and leads to unequal assessments.

Why Are Students Protesting BPSC Normalization?

There are several reasons why students protested against the normalization proposed in the upcoming BPSC exams:

  • Concerns Over Fairness: Many applicants fear that if normalization comes into play, candidates who appear in tough shifts can be at a disadvantage despite their performance. They argue that normalization could undermine their efforts and achievements comparatively with candidates who take the exam on easier shifts.
  • Single Shift Exam: Students have been demanding that the exam be conducted in a single shift with a common question paper so that the difficulty level remains uniform. According to students, this would eliminate normalization and ensure that all candidates face the same exam conditions.
  • Technical glitches also added fuel to the flames: technical problems in filling forms due to server issues kept a lot of candidates from completing and submitting their forms. Further frustration and doubts of a corrupt examination process were built with the technical issues.
    It can also be due to a lack of clear communication. The BPSC is criticized for having issued no proper clarification on using the normalization. Even after repeated assurances by the Commission, many are still unclear whether their results will be standardized or not.
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BPSC Clarification and Press Note

The BPSC issued a press note over the spread rumors that there would be no normalization process. The examination would be held in one shift between 12:00 noon and 02:00 pm on December 13, 2024. The commission clarified that normalization rumors were created by some coaching centers and student leaders to deceive the candidates. The advertisement for the exam was first published on September 23, 2024. The online application period was from September 28 to November 4, 2024.

BPSC Normalization, Check 70th BPSC Normalization Issue in detail_4.1

Candidate download BPSC 70th Prelims Admit Card 2024 Here!

The Way Forward: Resolving the BPSC Normalization Controversy

Several steps can be used to resolve the BPSC normalization controversy. First, there should be clear and transparent communication from BPSC towards the students, providing very detailed guidelines to clear normalization and examination-related confusion. Any technical issues in the submission must be resolved immediately, and possible extensions for submission must be provided. Meetings with student bodies and educators like Khan Sir can be productive in collaboration and trust building. Lastly, BPSC should fine-tune its evaluation methods so that they are fair and free of normalization, such as standardizing the difficulty level of questions or adjusting the standards of evaluation at different shifts. This will help increase transparency and fairness.

Candidates can check BPSC Syllabus 2024 in this article

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About the Author

Greetings! I'm Piyush, a content writer at StudyIQ. I specialize in creating enlightening content focused on UPSC and State PSC exams. Let's embark on a journey of discovery, where we unravel the intricacies of these exams and transform aspirations into triumphant achievements together!