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Arrival of Aryans and Vedic Period in Punjab

Arrival of Aryans and Vedic Period

By 1500 BC, the Aryans migrated into the Indian subcontinent. Coming from central Asia, this large group of nomadic cattle herders crossed the Hindu Kush Mountains and came in contact with the Indus Valley Civilization. This was a large migration and used to be seen as an invasion, and Aryans got into conflicts with the indigenous people of India, i.e. the Dasas or Dasyus, which is sometimes believed to be a reason for the collapse of the Indus Valley Civilization. The first stop of the Aryans in their journey towards India was Iran. Aryans came in hordes and first settled in northwestern India, from where they migrated gradually towards the Gangetic Valley and southern India.

Aryans were pastoralists, i.e., they did not practice settled agriculture. They mainly tamed animals, especially horses. They gradually settled in the area and a new age began, i.e. Vedic Age.

No one knows the exact origin of the Vedas although many scholars believe that the Vedic vision came to India by way of nomadic Aryan tribes. The Vedas are a source of fundamental knowledge. They are one of the oldest religious works in the world. The Vedas existed in oral form and were passed down from master to student for generations until they were finally written between 1500 – 500 BCE (Vedic Period). The Vedas are sacred to Hindus, which are composed in Sanskrit. The two great epics, Mahabharata and Ramayana, and Bhagavad Gita were also written during this period. 

Vedic age in Punjab

The Indo-Aryans also settled in Punjab during this period. The whole region came to be known as Sapt Sindhu, literally the land of seven rivers. It is also believed the Vedas were composed on the banks of rivers lying in the Punjab region. During the period when the epic Mahabharata was written, Punjab was known as Trigarta and ruled by Katoch kings. As per Dasam Granth, Mata Kaushalya (mother of Lord Rama, the great hero of Ramayana) was born in Ghuram village of Patiala district.

The Vedic Civilization spread along the length of the Sarasvati River to cover most of northern India including Punjab. This civilization shaped subsequent cultures in the Indian subcontinent. The Punjab region was ruled by many ancient empires including Gandhara, Nandas, Mauryas, Shungas, Kushans, Guptas, Palas, Gurjara-Pratiharas and Hindu Shahis.

River Rig Vedic name Region
Indus Sindhu Punjab
Ravi Parushini, Iravati Punjab
Jhelum Vitasta Punjab
Chenab Asikni Punjab
Beas Vipas Punjab
Sutlej Sutudri Punjab

In ancient times the Punjab region was known as Vahika as is attested by authors such as Pāṇini and Patanjali in the 6th century CE, in which they describe the region as a territory of Sanghas which denotes a republic form of government. Udichya region was another region mentioned in ancient texts and is noted by Pāṇini as comprising both the regions of Vahika and Gandhara.

According to Rig Veda, Yayati was direct ancestor of the prominent Udichya tribes and had numerous sons, including Anu, Puru, and Druhyu. The lineage of Anu gave rise to the Madra, Kekaya, Sivi and Usinara kingdoms of central Punjab.

An important event of the Vedic age is the ‘Battle of Ten Kings’, which was fought on the banks of river Parushni (present-day Ravi). Barley was the major crop in the Aryans-Vedic Period.

Battle of Ten Kings

  • This battle was fought on the banks of river Parushini (Ravi).
  • The battle was fought between the Bharata tribe and a confederation of 5 Aryan and 5 non-Aryan tribes led by the Puru tribe
    • 5 Aryan Tribes were-Puru, Yadu, Turvasa, Anu and Druhyu.
    • 5 Non-Aryan Tribes were Alina, Paktha, Bhalanas, Shiva and Vishanin
  • This battle is also known as “Priests’ conflict”, since Sudasa of Bharata tribe was supported by Vasista while the Purukutsa was supported by Viswamitra.
  • Reason for the battle-There was a dispute among these tribes in matters of cattle issue, river water sharing and control over pastures of Sapta Sindhu region.
  • Outcome– The Bharata tribe won the battle and this battle had established the supremacy of the Bharata tribe. 

Later Vedic Age

With time, in Later Vedic times, religion was covered by expensive complex rituals and sacrifices, which were not acceptable to the common people. The teachings of Upanishads, an alternative to the system of sacrifices, were also written in Sanskrit, which was no more a language of common people. The prevalence of the Caste system also led to the deterioration of society. The higher classes enjoyed privileges that were denied to the lower classes.

Therefore, what was needed in the larger interest of the people was a simple, short, and intelligible way to salvation for all people and such religious teaching should also be in a language known to them. This need was fulfilled by the teachings of Buddha and Mahaveera Slowly, the Vedic Culture started fading away.

Punjab under Mahajanapada Period

A lot of sects arose in the Later Vedic Period (1000-600 BC). Out of them, the most important were Jainism and Buddhism, which emerged as the most potent religious reform movements.

Subsequently, iron was discovered which led to the rise of the Mahajanapada Period (600-300 BC). Among the 16 Mahajanapadas, i.e. great countries, Punjab was covered under two of the Mahajanapadas, namely Gandhara and Kamboja. It can be justified using the Buddhist text Anguttara Nikaya and Pali literature. Gandhara and Kamboja are believed to have comprised the upper Indus regions including Kashmir, Eastern Afghanistan, and most of the Western Punjab which now forms part of Pakistan.

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