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Monthly Archives: May 2023

Odisha Millets Mission: Reviving Millets in Farms and Plates

Case Study of the Day: Odisha Millets Mission: Reviving Millets in Farms and Plates

Background Odisha is known for its diverse agro-climatic conditions and a rich traditional food culture. Despite the availability of diverse crops, the state has been focusing mainly on rice production for a long time. However, with the increasing awareness of the negative impact of rice monoculture and the need for diversified cropping systems, the Odisha …

Maternal Deaths, Stillbirths and Neonatal Deaths

Stats IQ: Maternal Deaths, Stillbirths and Neonatal Deaths

Context: A new report by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has highlighted the challenges faced in reducing maternal deaths, stillbirths, and newborn deaths globally. Number of Deaths in 2020-21 There were a combined 4.5 million deaths — maternal deaths (0.29 million), stillbirths …

Drone Technology

Drone Technology

Context: The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has successfully conducted a trial run of delivery of blood bags under its iDrone initiative. What is Drone Technology?  A drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle that receives remote commands from a pilot or relies on software for autonomous flight. Classification of Drones Based on Weight: Nano …

RBI’s gold reserves

RBI’s Gold Reserves

Context: The gold reserves held by RBI have touched 794.64 metric tonnes in fiscal 2023, a near increase of 5 per cent over fiscal 2022. Reasons for Increase in Buying Gold The RBI has kept buying gold as part of the diversification process, considering the fact that gold is more safe, secure, and liquid asset, …

Planning Commission

Planning Commission of India, Objective, Functions, Achievements

Planning Commission of India The Planning Commission of India was an institution established in 1950 with the aim of formulating Five-Year Plans for the country’s economic development. It served as the central planning body that coordinated and assessed various economic and social policies in India. The Planning Commission consisted of a chairman, who was usually …

Demand and Supply

Demand and Supply Law, Curve, Elasticity, Difference, Applications

Demand and Supply Demand and Supply are fundamental concepts in economics that explain how prices and quantities of goods and services are determined in a market economy. Read the complete article to know all about the concept of Demand and Supply and it works in practical life. Demand and Supply Definition Demand refers to the …

May, 2023 | - Part 21_11.1

डेली करंट अफेयर्स for UPSC – 10 May 2023

डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2023 in Hindi प्रश्न निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा कथन भारत की प्रस्तावना के संबंध में सही है। यह भारत के संविधान से अपना अधिकार प्राप्त करती है। यह संविधान का एक हिस्सा है और इसमें संशोधन किया जा सकता है यह विधायिका की शक्तियों पर रोक लगाती है। यह …