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Monthly Archives: May 2023

UNEP report on plastic pollution

UNEP Report on Plastic Pollution

Context:  A recent report ‘Turning off the Tap: How the world can end plastic pollution and create a circular economy’ has been released by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). More on News This report outlines the magnitude and nature of the changes required to end plastic pollution and create a sustainable circular economy that is …

Methanol Poisoning

Methanol Poisoning

Context: As many as 22 people had died after consuming spurious liquor in Tamil Nadu. What is Alcohol? Alcohol, in the context of beverages, refers to a group of organic compounds known as alcohols that contain a hydroxyl (-OH) functional group attached to a carbon atom. Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) is the most common type of …

Scheduled Commercial Banks

List of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India, Functions, Examples

Scheduled Commercial Banks Scheduled Commercial Banks in India are banks that are listed under the Second Schedule of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. These banks are regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and are authorized to carry out banking activities in India. Scheduled Commercial Banks Categories Scheduled Commercial Banks can be …

डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2023

डेली करंट अफेयर्स for UPSC – 17 May 2023

डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2023 in Hindi प्रश्न हाल ही में खबरों में देखी गई, ‘डोनेनेमाब’ दवा का उपयोग निम्नलिखित में से किस बीमारी के इलाज में किया जाता है? क्षय रोग अल्जाइमर इबोला वायरस पार्किंसंस रोग डेली करंट अफेयर्स for UPSC – 16 May 2023 व्याख्या: विकल्प (2) सही है: डोनेनेमाब दवा शुरुआती …


Lokpal, Meaning, Power, Features, Functions & Limitations

Lokpal The Lokpal is the country of India’s first and only institution of its sort. The Lokpal and Lokayukta Act 2013 led to the establishment of the Lokpal, whose primary responsibility was to inquire about and look into cases of corruption involving Central-level officials and organisations. The Lokpal of India genuinely works to serve the …