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Monthly Archives: April 2023

India’s Nuclear Liability Law

Editorial of the Day: India’s Nuclear Liability Law

Context: The article is discussing the issues surrounding India’s nuclear liability law, which is currently preventing the construction of six nuclear power reactors in Maharashtra’s Jaitapur, which is considered to be the world’s biggest nuclear power generation site under consideration. It also  highlights the provisions of the Indian nuclear liability law, what it says about …

Jehanabad District’s Efforts to Uproot Extremism

Case Study of the Day: Jehanabad District’s Efforts to Uproot Extremism

Jehanabad District’s Efforts to Uproot Extremism Background The district of Jehanabad, located in the state of Bihar, had been grappling with the rise of extremism for several years. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, local authorities devised and implemented a comprehensive plan to uproot extremism from its roots. Factors Contributing to the Growth of Extremism …

The Distribution and Utilisation of Water Bodies in India

Stats IQ: The Distribution and Utilisation of Water Bodies in India

Context: The Ministry of Jal Shakti has launched the first census of water bodies in India, which throws light on the number of water bodies in the countries. Defining water bodies The document designates water body as any natural or man-made structure used for storing water for various purposes, such as irrigation, industry, fish farming, domestic …

Left-Wing Extremism (LWE) in India

Left-Wing Extremism (LWE) in India

Context: The recent improvised explosive device (IED) attack by Maoists in Chhattisgarh’s Bastar killed ten District Reserve Guard (DRG) personnel. What is Left Wing Extremism? Left Wing Extremism is an umbrella term referring to violence committed by extremist groups that follow the ideology that the solution to social and economic discrimination is to overthrow the …

Virtual Digital Assets

Virtual Digital Assets

Context: With the increasing popularity and adoption of virtual digital assets (VDAs) in India, there is a need for a progressive regulatory framework that can establish India’s leadership in the virtual digital assets space. What are Virtual Digital Assets (VDAs)? A virtual digital asset, to put it simply, is a digital holding that has been …

demands for grants

Demands for Grants, Meaning, Constitutional Provision & Types

Demands for Grants According to Article 113 of the Constitution, estimates of expenditure from the Consolidated Fund are presented to the Lok Sabha in the form of Demand for Grants. In contemporary democracies, it is widely accepted that no money may be taken out of the country’s coffers without the government’s consent. The Demands for …