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Monthly Archives: April 2023

Current Affairs for UPSC Exam 2023

Current Affairs 13th April 2023 for UPSC Prelims Exam

Current Affairs 13th April 2023 for UPSC Prelims Exam River Rejuvenation Context: The rejuvenation of the Kuttamperoor River in Alappuzha has been completed after 6 years. Rejuvenation of Kuttamperoor River Kuttamperoor River: The Kuttamperoor River in Kerala, is a tributary of both Pamba and Achankovil rivers. Rejuvenation of the Kuttamperoor: This river had died due …

Union Executive

Union Executive, Composition, Structure, Functions & Qualification

Union Executive Union Executive provides supervision to the Indian Government and is considered the most significant official Government branch concerning practice, while primacy belongs to the Legislature. The Indian Parliament’s three members who make laws and oversee all administrative tasks make up the Union Executive. The Union Executive is an important part of Indian Polity …

डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2023

डेली करंट अफेयर्स for UPSC – 12 April 2023

डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2023 in Hindi प्रश्न हाल ही में समाचारों में देखा गया, ‘म्यूकोर्मिकोसिस’ शब्द निम्नलिखित में से किससे सबसे अच्छा संबंधित है? पौधों के कवक द्वारा मनुष्यों में होने वाला संक्रमण पानी में मौजूद प्रोटोजोआ के कारण होने वाला संक्रमण। विटामिन की कमी के कारण शरीर में कोशिकाओं की घातक वृद्धि। …

Inter state councils

Inter State Council, History, Objective, Functions & Challenges

Inter State Council The Inter State Council is a consultative body with the authority to examine and discuss issues of mutual interest between the Union and State(s) or between States. In order to preserve coordination between the state and centre levels, this mechanism establishes norms for debate forums and other types of discussions. Article 263 …

Inflation Targeting

Inflation Targeting

Context: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has decided to stop raising interest rates for inflation-targeting. What is Inflation? Inflation is defined as increase in prices of goods and services over a period of time. Inflation reduces purchasing power of currency. Types of inflation Cost-push inflation: Cost-push inflation is fuelled by increases in the cost of producing …

Militarization of Space

Militarization of Space

Context : Recent Reports have suggested that militarization of space by various countries have increased the risk of a potential war in space, thereby, necessitating the need for international cooperation and regulations to prevent the same. What is Understood by Militarisation of Space? The militarization of outer space refers to the use of space technology, …