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Monthly Archives: March 2023

Can India Keep G20 Relevant Amidst the Ukraine Crisis

Editorial of the Day: Can India Keep G20 Relevant Amidst the Ukraine Crisis? (IE)

The G20 Summit in Bali failed last year due to resolute insistence of the United States and its allies to reprimand Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. By pushing a political issue onto an economic and financial forum (G20), the G7 are on the verge of destabilising the New Delhi G20 Summit. The G20 forum …

Aakar – Residential Schools for Differently-Abled Students

Case Study of the Day: Aakar – Residential Schools for Differently-Abled Students

Background: The Aspirational District of Sukma in Chhattisgarh has started Aakar Residential School to ensure inclusion of differently-abled students and to reduce their dropout rates. About Aakar Schools The District initially identified nearly 800 differently abled children and enrolled them in Aakar School. Apart from education, the School undertakes other special activities catering to the …

Climate Change and Lightning-Induced Wildfires

Migrant Workers in India

Context: The recent case of alleged assault on migrant workers in Tamil Nadu has once again brought attention to problems that migrant workers face in the country. Who is a Migrant Worker? A migrant worker is a person who migrates within a home country or outside it to pursue work. Migrant workers usually do not …

Global Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Infrastructure

Global Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Infrastructure

Context: The United Nations (U.N) World Meteorological Organisation announced that it has come up with a new Global Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Infrastructure. What are Greenhouse Gases (GHGs)? Certain gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, trap the sun’s heat in Earth’s atmosphere. These greenhouse gases (GHGs) exist naturally in the atmosphere and help …

UN High Seas Treaty

United Nations High Seas Treaty

Context: United Nations member states have agreed on the first international treaty to protect the high seas. What are High Seas? High seas are areas of oceans that lie beyond countries’ national waters (beyond 200 nautical miles). These are the largest habitat on Earth and are home to millions of species. High seas comprise more …

Mountbatten Plan

Mountbatten Plan, History, Provision, Feature, Clauses and Advantages

Mountbatten Plan The last viceroy of India, Lord Mountbatten, put forth a proposal in June 1947 under which provinces would be proclaimed independent successor states with the option to join or not to join the constituent assembly. The freedom-with-partition formula was becoming generally accepted long before Mountbatten arrived in India. The immediate transfer of power …

Reorganisation of States

Reorganisation of States, Act, Commissions, Schedules, Purpose

Reorganisation of States  India is a land of diversities and is decorated with different scripts, languages, traditions etc. after the independence, the major concern of the national leaders was to decide what would be the basis of the State Reorganization. The reorganization was needed after independence to develop a new administrative setup for this vast …

Mangrove Forest

Mangrove Forests in India, Map, Characteristics, Significance, Threat

Mangrove Forests in India Mangrove Forests in India: Oceans, freshwater, and land all meet at the mangrove. True mangroves, which are 54–75 species wide and taxonomically separate from their terrestrial cousins, can only be found along coastlines in the intertidal zones. Mangrove forests are among the planet’s most complex ecosystems, thriving in conditions that would …