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Monthly Archives: February 2023

Pahariyas Rebellio

Pahariyas Rebellion, History, Pahariya Revolt and People

Pahariyas Rebellion Raja Jagganath led the Pahariyas rebellion in 1778, which is notable because it was against the British, who had waged a terrible campaign against the Pahariyas, slaughtering and hunting them down. The hill dwellers who lived close to the Rajmahal hills were known as Pahariyas. They engaged in shifting cultivation and subsisted on …

Shifting cultivation

Shifting Cultivation, Jhum Cultivation, Advantages, Disadvantages

Shifting Cultivation Shifting cultivation or shifting farming is a method of agriculture in which primitive people of the tropical forest shift their plots of agricultural land from one part to another by clearing the forest through fire. It is sometimes called migratory primitive agriculture. Read More: Intensive Farming List of Shifting Cultivation Local Names around …

Sedentary Farming

Sedentary Farming Meaning, Characteristics, Advantages, Disadvantages

Sedentary Farming Sedentary agriculture refers to farming that takes place in a single location by a settled farmer without rotating the fields. In contrast to shifting cultivation, the word was used to describe early agriculturalists in tropical Africa who cultivated the same plot of land indefinitely. Sedentary farming is a more advanced form of subsistence …

Intensive Farming

Intensive Farming, Meaning, Characteristics, Advantages & Disadvantages

Intensive Farming Intensive farming means a method of farming in which land is intensively cultivated, employing a large number of people and huge capital. Generally, this type of farming is practised in regions with high population density and limited land supply. Intensive Farming is so intensive that double-cropping or triple cropping is practised. Several crops …

Extensive Farming

Extensive Farming, Meaning, Examples, Advantages & Disadvantages

Extensive Farming Extensive farming is a method of farming that employs large agricultural machinery, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and agricultural research and involves huge capital. It is practised where huge cultivable land is available for agriculture, and there is low population density. Hence, this type of farming is widely found in Argentina, Australia, parts of the …

Mainstreaming Gender in Gram Panchayat Development Plans

Case Study of the Day: Mainstreaming Gender in Gram Panchayat Development Plans

Background: The story of Morjim and Camorlim Gram Panchayats in Goa show how mainstreaming gender in Gram Panchayat Development Plans can result in inclusive development. About the Case The strategy for development in the Morjim and Camorlim Gram Panchayat: Target to strive for greater and active participation of women in Gram Sabhas for gender-inclusive GPDPs, …

A Refocused MGNREGS can Benefit Rural Women (HT)

Editorial of the Day: A Refocused MGNREGS can Benefit Rural Women (HT)

The reduced allocation of funds in the Budget 2023-24 for the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) has disappointed many stakeholders. MGNREGS is one of the world’s largest welfare schemes, and had helped millions sustain their lives during Covid pandemic. Now is the time to make efforts to ensure that those left on …

Crimes Against Humanity

Crimes Against Humanity

What are Crimes Against Humanity (CAH)? Definition: According to the 1998 Rome Statute, which established the International Criminal Court (ICC), CAH refer to specific crimes that are “committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack.” These crimes include murder, torture, sexual violence, enslavement, persecution, …