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Monthly Archives: January 2023

India’s Geothermal Potential

India’s Geothermal Potential

In News: ONGC is planning to map the geothermal energy sources of India in search of clean energy. More on India’s Geothermal Potential Using a geothermal map for entire India, ONGC plans to identify areas of high heat flows and high geothermal gradients. ONGC has already begun drilling in Ladakh in search of geothermal energy …

Living Will and Passive Euthanasia

Living Will and Passive Euthanasia

Context:  Recently, the Supreme Court of India simplified the rules on passive euthanasia in cases of terminal illness. About Euthanasia It refers to the practice of an individual deliberately ending their life, oftentimes to get relief from an incurable condition, or intolerable pain and suffering. Euthanasia, which can be administered only by a physician, can …

Indra sawhney case

Indra Sawhney Case Analysis, SC Judgements, Summary

Indra Sawhney Case Indra Sawhney case year 1992, was a nine-judge bench case that the Indian judiciary set in stone. It is both fortunate and cursed, maybe to see forever the dynamic power play and friction of political opportunism, pro-reservation and anti-reservation emotions in India. In the midst of widespread unrest and violent demonstrations against …

India Bangladesh border disputes

India and Bangladesh Border Dispute, Map, Disputed Regions

India and Bangladesh Border Dispute India and Bangladesh Border Dispute: A 4096-kilometre border separates Bangladesh and India. 180 kilometres of this are located along the river. The 6.5 km stretch near Comilla on the Tripura border needs to be delimited in order for the Indo-Bangladesh boundary to be considered fully delineated. Various parts of the …

Submarine Canyons

Submarine Canyons, Meaning, Formation & Examples

Submarine Canyons Submarine Canyons are a class of narrow steep-sided valleys that cut into continental slopes and continental rises of the oceans. Submarine canyons form on continental slopes or on the continental shelf. They are uncommon on continental margins with steep continental slopes or escarpments. Submarine Canyons are named after the canyons formed by rivers on …

डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2023

डेली करंट अफेयर्स for UPSC – 25 January 2023

डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2023 in Hindi प्रश्न ‘आईएनएस वागीर’ के बारे में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा कथन सही नहीं है? यह एक स्वदेशी रूप से विकसित विमान वाहक है। यह एंटी-सरफेस और एंटी-सबमरीन युद्ध दोनों में सक्षम है। इसे भारतीय नौसेना के प्रोजेक्ट-75 के तहत विकसित किया गया है। इसे तट के …

UPSE Prelims News 2023

UPSC Prelims News 25 January 2023

UPSC Prelims News of 25 January 2023 Aravalli Safari Park Project Context: The Aravalli safari park project has come under opposition from a network of environmentalists and activists. About the Project The state of Haryana proposed the largest jungle safari park in the Aravalli Mountain range of the Gurugram and Nuh districts. The rationale behind …