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Monthly Archives: January 2023

Big Bang Theory

Big Bang Theory, Definition, Evidences, Expansion, Missions

Big Bang Theory The Big Bang is the most acceptable answer to how the universe began. According to this theory, the universe came into existence around 13.8 billion years ago. It started as a single point called “singularity.” Singularity is infinite mass with zero volume; therefore, it has infinite density. Thus, the universe began as …

Ocean Currents

Ocean Currents, Map, Meaning, Types, Causes, Effects, Diagram

Ocean Currents A continuous general movement of ocean water in a specified direction is called an ocean current.  These can be considered as a river running across the surface of the ocean. Most surface currents carry water horizontally and vertically in the upper layer above the thermocline (you will learn about this later in this …

Later Mughals

Later Mughals, Introduction, List and Later Mughal Emperor

Later Mughal Introduction Read all about the Later Mughals.The rebirth of regional identities during the time between approximately 1707 CE and around 1761 CE (from Aurangzeb’s death to the time of the Third Battle of Panipat, where Ahmad Shah Abdali defeated the Maratha chiefs) revealed a sad state of affairs for the once-powerful Mughals. The …

Cumulonimbus Clouds

Cumulonimbus Clouds, Meaning, Characteristics, Formation, Effects

Cloud A cloud is a suspension of ice crystals and microscopic water droplets in the earth’s atmosphere. They are extremely dense and voluminous masses that appear to the unaided eye. Their size, shape, or colour distinguishes them from one another. Because they are the brightest objects in the visible region of the solar spectrum, they …

Decline of Mughal Empire

Decline of Mughal Empire, Introduction, History and Causes

Decline of Mughal Empire Read all about Decline of Mughal Empire. The Successor States emerged in its stead after the Mughal Empire disintegrated in the 1750s. The Mughals enjoyed direct rule over nearly all of India until 1707. When Aurangzeb passed away in 1707 CE, the Mughal Empire swiftly started to disintegrate. The Great Mughals’ …

Plate Tectonics

Plate Tectonics Theory, Meaning, Map, Diagram, Movements

Plate Tectonics Plate Tectonics: A uniform framework for comprehending mountain-building processes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, the evolution of the Earth’s surface, and reconstructing the planet’s former continents and oceans was provided by the plate tectonics theory, which deals with the dynamics of the lithosphere, the outer shell of the planet. The idea of tectonic plates was …