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Monthly Archives: January 2023

Chemical weathering

Chemical Weathering Process, Examples, Types & Diagram

Chemical Weathering Chemical weathering refers to the decomposition of rock to create a new chemically different material. To understand chemical weathering, it is essential to understand the chemical properties of raw materials. The prime agents involved in chemical weathering are the gases in the atmosphere- Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, and other gases along with the water …

Policy of Ring-Fence

Policy of Ring Fence, Introduction and Establishment

Policy of Ring of Fence Warren Hastings established the Policy of Ring of Fence (1765–1813) to establish buffer zones and safeguard the Company’s frontiers. In order to safeguard their own territories, it was often their policy to defend the boundaries of their neighbors. The ring-fence states were obligated to retain subsidiary armies that were to …

Physical weathering

Physical Weathering Definition, Types, Process, Examples & Diagram

Physical Weathering Physical or mechanical weathering is the physical disintegration of minerals into fragment particles without any change in their chemical properties. The transformation of rocks into fragment particles occurs through mechanical methods such as freezing, thawing, salt weathering, and thermal cracking. During physical weathering, the forces responsible for breaking the rock may originate from …

डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2023

डेली करंट अफेयर्स for UPSC – 10 January 2023

डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2023 in Hindi प्रश्न हाल ही में समाचारों में देखा गया, ‘जूना खटिया’ स्थान भारत के निम्नलिखित में से किस राज्य में स्थित है? गुजरात महाराष्ट्र राजस्थान कर्नाटक डेली करंट अफेयर्स for UPSC – 9 January 2023 व्याख्या: विकल्प (1) सही है: हाल ही में पुरातत्वविदों ने गुजरात के कच्छ …

UPSE Prelims News 2023

UPSC Prelims News 10 January 2023

UPSC Prelims News of 10 January 2023 Airglow Context: The faint emission of light by the planetary atmosphere causes Airglow, which results in distinct colours in the sky. Airglow is a form of chemiluminescence, which is the result of atoms and molecules releasing particular amounts of energy (quanta) in the form of light. In the …