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Monthly Archives: January 2023

Basic Structure of the Constitution

Basic Structure of the Constitution

What is the Basic Structure Doctrine of Indian Constitution? The basic structure doctrine is a common law legal doctrine that the constitution of a sovereign state has certain characteristics that cannot be erased by its legislature. There is no mention of the term “Basic Structure” anywhere in the Constitution of India. The idea is evolved to …

Land Revenue

Land Revenue System, Introduction, Features, Types & Impact

Land Revenue System By severely taxing the populace through a variety of land income systems, the British were able to conquer a vast nation like India. A tax or revenue imposed on land-based agricultural production is known as land revenue. The Indian peasant or ryot was primarily responsible for funding the Company’s commerce and earnings, …

Theosophical Society

Theosophical Society in India, Founder, Headquarters, Summary

Theosophical Society Founded in 1875, the Theosophical Society serves as a worldwide body that promotes spiritual advancement with the objective of universal brotherhood without distinction based on the realization that all life, human and non-human, is indivisibly One. The fact that word “Theosophy” in Greek means “Divine Wisdom”. Read More: Mahatma Gandhi Theosophical Society Founder …

Drain of Wealth

Drain of Wealth, Theory, History, Process, Causes and Impact

Drain of Wealth Read all about Drain of Wealth. The steady movement of national wealth from India to England, for which India received insufficient economic, commercial, or material returns, has been referred to as the “drain of wealth theory.” The phrase “economic outflow” refers to a percentage of India’s national output that was being diverted …

डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2023

डेली करंट अफेयर्स for UPSC – 12 January 2023

डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2023 in Hindi प्रश्न वायुमंडल में ओजोन परत के बारे में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा कथन सही नहीं है? यह ऑक्सीजन परमाणुओं के फोटो-पृथक्करण द्वारा बनता है। यह अल्ट्रा वायलेट-A किरणों के लगभग 99 प्रतिशत को अवशोषित करता है। यह मुख्य रूप से समताप मंडल के निचले भाग में …

Indian councils act 1892

Indian Councils Act 1892, History, Objective, Feature, Significance and Drawbacks

Indian Councils Act 1892 The Indian Councils Act of 1892 was passed with the intention of expanding the size of various Indian legislative councils and so enhancing Indian participation in British India’s government. The Indian Councils Act of 1892 marks an important turning point in India’s constitutional and political history after the foundation of the …

Mayor of MCD

Mayor of MCD

Mayor of MCD About Mayor is the highest-ranking official in a municipal government of Delhi. Election The Delhi mayor is elected by the members of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi. In case of tie, the special commissioner appointed to oversee the election will allow the tie to be broken through a special draw of lots. …