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Monthly Archives: January 2023

UPSE Prelims News 2023

UPSC Prelims News 14 January 2023

UPSC Prelims News of 14 January 2023 Stupa at Nalanda Context: Archeological Survey of India (ASI) has discovered two 1200-year-old miniature votive stupas near Sarai Tila mound within the premises of ‘Nalanda Mahavihara’. About: The votive stupas were offered in fulfilment of a vow. They were carved from stone and depict Buddha figures. These figures …

Reducing Preterm and Stillbirths in India

Reducing Preterm and Stillbirths in India

More on Reducing Preterm and Stillbirths in India The United Nations Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation (UNIGME) report on child mortality — estimates that globally, five million children died before their fifth birthday (under-five mortality) in 2021. India’s share: Under-five deaths were estimated at 7,09,366; infant deaths (death before first birthday) at 5,86,787; and …

Indigo Revolt

Indigo Revolt in Bengal, Leaders, Causes, Consequences

Indigo Revolt The Indigo Revolt of 1859–60 in Bengal, India, was a peasant movement against the exploitative practices of Indigo planters. The tenants were forced to grow indigo, which was purchased from them at throwaway prices and processed in factories set up by indigo planters, almost all of whom were Europeans. The peasants were naturally …

Earth’s Recent Climatic History

Earth’s Recent Climatic History

Key Highlights of Earth’s Recent Climatic History  Ice core analysis: The findings of the study are based on the water-isotope analysis from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice core, the longest ice core ever drilled by US researchers. Summer and winter temperatures: Summer temperatures in West Antarctica increased through the early-to-mid-Holocene, reached a …

Global Economic Prospects

Global Economic Prospects

Highlight Of Global Economic Prospects Report Growth Rate: Global economy is projected to grow by 1.7 per cent in 2023 and 2.7 per cent in 2024. It would be the third-weakest annual expansion in three decades, behind only the deep recessions that resulted from the 2008 global financial crisis and the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. …

Civil Service under British Administration

Civil Service under British Administration, History, Evolution and Reforms

Civil Service under British Administration Civil Service under British Administration was established for the benefit of its commercial affairs and developed into a well-organized apparatus to handle the administrative affairs of India’s acceded territories. In fact, the phrase “civil service” was originally used to distinguish between the Company’s employees working in the military and naval …

डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2023

डेली करंट अफेयर्स for UPSC – 13 January 2023

डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2023 in Hindi प्रश्न निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा कथन भारतीय संविधान की मूल संरचना के बारे में सही नहीं है? संविधान में मूल संरचना शब्द का उल्लेख नहीं है। अनुच्छेद 368 के तहत संसद मूल संरचना को कमजोर कर सकती है। यह पहली बार केशवानंद भारती मामले में प्रदान …