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Monthly Archives: January 2023

UN World Social Report 2023

UN World Social Report 2023

Highlight of UN World Social Report 2023 Number of persons aged 65 years or older worldwide is expected to double over the next three decades. The elderly population will reach 1.6 billion in 2050, accounting for more than 16 per cent of the global population. Population ageing is progressing more rapidly in developing countries than …

Ocean Noise Pollution and Marine Biodiversity

Ocean Noise Pollution and Marine Biodiversity

Key Highlights Of Ocean Noise Pollution and Marine Biodiversity This study was published under the title ‘Anthropogenic noise impairs cooperation in bottlenose dolphins.’ Significance of sound for dolphins: Dolphins rely heavily on sound production and reception to navigate, communicate, hunt, and avoid predators in dark or limited vision waters. How does ocean noise pollution affect …

Renaming of States

Renaming of States

A Short History of Renaming of Madras to Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Vs ‘Tamizhagam’ Row During a recent address to the volunteers of the Kashi Tamil Sangamam, the governor remarked that the word ‘Tamizhagam’ was a more appropriate term for Tamil Nadu. The issue with the name ‘Tamil Nadu’: At the centre of the debate …

Jet Streams

Jet Streams, Explanation, Types, Characteristics, Significance, Diagram

Jet Streams The Jet Stream is a geostrophic wind that blows horizontally through the upper troposphere from west to east at an altitude of 20,000 to 50,000 feet. Jet streams form when air masses of varying temperatures collide. As a result, where the Jet Stream forms are typically determined by surface temperatures. The speed of …

Hunter Commission

Hunter Commission, Objective, Recommendations, Significance and Analysis

Hunter Commission Viceroy Lord Ripon appointed the Hunter Commission with the mandate to look into complaints regarding the non-implementation of the Wood’s Despatch of 1854, assess the state of elementary education in the British overseas territories, and make recommendations for its expansion and improvement. In 1882, the commission’s final report—headed by Sir William Wilson Hunter—was delivered. …

Atmospheric circulation

Atmospheric Circulation, Definition, Factors, Three Model Cells

Atmospheric Circulation The large-scale circulation of air around the Earth is known as atmospheric circulation. It is in charge of transporting heat and moisture from the equator to the poles, and it has a significant impact on our weather system. In this article, we will go over atmospheric circulation in-depth, including the tricellular model and …

Macaulay Minutes

Macaulay Minute, History, Education, Objective, Feature, Advantages and Disadvantage

Macaulay Minutes Thomas Babington Macaulay, a British politician and historian, gave his “Minute on Indian Education” speech on February 2, 1835, in an effort to prove that Indian “natives” needed to be educated in English. The famous Lord Macaulay’s Minute resolved the conflict in favour of the Anglicists; the constrained government funds were to be …