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Monthly Archives: January 2023


Citizenship of India, Articles, Acquisition & Loss of Citizenship

Citizenship Meaning Citizenship can be defined as the full and equal membership of a political community in a country. In the modern world, nations grant their citizens certain rights as well as a collective political identity. Citizens, enjoy all political as well as civil rights which have been ensured to them by the Indian Constitution …

Reformist Movements & Revivalist Movements

Reformist Movements & Revivalist Movements, Meaning, Classifications and Types

Reformist Movements & Revivalist Movements Read all about Reformist Movements & Revivalist Movements.  Reformism is a political doctrine that favors modifying an existing structure or institution as opposed to getting rid of it and replacing it. A progressive movement is a type of social organization that works to create social or political structures that are …

डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2023

डेली करंट अफेयर्स for UPSC – 18 January 2023

डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2023 in Hindi प्रश्न शुक्रयान-1 मिशन के बारे में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा कथन सही है? यह शुक्र ग्रह के लिए एक ऑर्बिटर-सह-लैंडर मिशन है। इसे इसरो द्वारा वर्ष 2025 में लॉन्च किया जाएगा। यह इंफ्रारेड वेवलेंथ में शुक्र के वातावरण की जांच करेगा। इसे इसरो के पीएसएलवी रॉकेट …


Precipitation Meaning, Types, Formation, Examples, Diagram

Precipitation Meaning Precipitation is the process by which water vapour condenses in the atmosphere and falls to the ground under the influence of gravity. These phenomena result in rain and snow. Precipitation, for example, occurs when a portion of the atmosphere becomes saturated with water vapour and condenses and precipitates when the temperature is appropriate. …

Sergeant Plan of Education

Sergeant Plan of Education, History, Objective, Feature and Recommendations

Sergeant Plan of Education The Sargent plan of Education 1944 was one of numerous actions the British did to advance education in India. In 1944, John Sargent was charged with coming up with a comprehensive plan for Indian education. 22 people made up the 22-person committee. In 1944, they presented their report to the Central …

UPSE Prelims News 2023

UPSC Prelims News 18 January 2023

UPSC Prelims News of 18 January 2023 PARAKH Context: NCERT has notified India’s first national assessment regulator, PARAKH. About PARAKH: PARAKH (Performance Assessment, Review and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development) will work on setting norms, standards and guidelines for student assessment and evaluation for all recognised school boards in the country. It has been launched as …

Inequality in India

Inequality in India

About Inequality It is an unfair situation in society when some people have more opportunities than other people. The United Nations describes it even more simply as “the state of not being equal, especially in status, rights and opportunities”. Gini coefficient is a typical measure of income inequality. Highlights of Inequality in India Report Data …