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Monthly Archives: December 2022

Indian Ocean Dipole

Indian Ocean Dipole Mechanism, Positive & Negative IOD, Impacts

Indian Ocean Dipole The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), which affects the climate of Australia and other countries in the Indian Ocean Basin, is defined as the difference in sea surface temperature between the western pole of the Arabian Sea (western Indian Ocean) and an eastern pole south of Indonesia. Rainfall variability in the neighbouring Indian …

Coral Reef

Coral Reefs Meaning, Types, Importance, Coral Reefs in India, Bleaching

What are Coral Reefs? Oceanic coral reefs are made up of communities of tiny living things. They are the sub-aquatic coral polyp-based structures that calcium carbonate holds together. Just 0.1% of the ocean’s surface is occupied by coral reefs, which are also known as the tropical rainforest of the sea and constitute the habitat for …

Types of Rocks

Different Types of Rocks, Igneous, Sedimentary & Metamorphic Rocks

What is a Rock? Rocks are mineral aggregates that combine the traits of every trace mineral. Rock types can be distinguished by any particular arrangement of their chemical composition, mineralogy, grain size, texture, or other distinctive features. For each significant form of rock, various classification schemes exist as well. In nature, there are numerous varieties …

Continental Drift

Continental Drift Theory Evidences, Stages and Limitations

Continental Drift Theory by Alfred Wegener Alfred Wegener proposed the Continental Drift Theory in 1912. It was first suggested by Abraham Ortelius in 1596, and Alfred Wegener completed its development. The hypothesis addresses how the continents and oceans are distributed. According to Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift, Pangaea, a Mega Ocean surrounding a supercontinent that …

Biodiversity in India

Biodiversity Meaning, Importance, Threat, Hotspots, Conservation

Biodiversity The variety of living things, including those in aquatic, marine, and terrestrial habitats, is known as biodiversity. It has to do with the variety of living things that inhabit the planet, including the variety found within and between species as well as within and between the ecosystems they compose. It offers ecological, economic, and …

Endogenic and Exogenic Forces

Endogenic Vs Exogenic Forces, Types, Examples, Meaning

Endogenic and Exogenic Forces The term “geomorphic processes” refers to the processes that cause changes to the surface of the earth. Exogenic and Endogenic Forces are the two categories into which these processes fall. Exogenic forces, often known as external forces, are those that originate in or draw power from the earth’s atmosphere or outer …