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Monthly Archives: December 2022

Mumbai Poor Air Quality

Mumbai Poor Air Quality

Mumbai Poor Air Quality News According to the SAFAR App, the overall Mumbai Air Quality Index (AQI) was 309 (very poor) while that of Delhi was at 249 (poor). Mumbai Poor Air Quality produces high amount of air pollutants but it has the advantage of local breeze, which prevents accumulaton of polluntants. However, the phase …

डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2022

डेली करंट अफेयर्स for UPSC – 10 December 2022

  डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2022 in Hindi प्रश्न हाल ही में समाचारों में देखा गया, ‘मीज़ोट्रोपिस पेलिटा’ शब्द निम्नलिखित में से किससे सबसे अच्छा संबंधित है: पश्चिमी घाट में खोजी गई तितली की एक नई प्रजाति। एक बारहमासी झाड़ी जो उत्तराखंड के लिए स्थानिक है। हिंद महासागर में खोजी गई ल्यूमिनेसेंस क्षमताओं वाली …

UPSC Prelims News 2022

UPSC Prelims News 10 December 2022

UPSC Prelims News of 10 December 2022 GHAR – GO Home Portal Context: National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), has developed and launched a portal namely GHAR – GO Home and Re-Unite (Portal for Restoration and Repatriation of Child). Highlight GHAR portal has been developed to digitally monitor and track the restoration and …

Failure of Biodiversity Goals

Failure Of Biodiversity Goals

Background of Failure Of Biodiversity Goals At the 10th COP (Conference of Parties) of the CBD, in Nagoya, Japan, in 2010, the countries have adopted ‘Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020’, which included a set of twenty global actions known as Aichi biodiversity targets. No single country met all 20 Aichi Targets within its borders, according …

India-Central Asia Outreach

India-Central Asia Outreach

Participating Nations: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan India-Central Asia Engagement Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): It provides New Delhi with a forum to establish security relationships with central Asian Countries. India SCO presidentship in 2023 could grant New Delhi the leverage to shape next year’s agenda to prioritize interregional connectivity and shared economic issues. First …

Laws On Religious Conversions

Laws on Religious Conversions

India is a country of many religions and Constitution of India, Article 25 to 28 give us the freedom of religion and there are many laws on religious conversions. Freedom of Religion in Constitution India does not have any state religion nor it patronizes any specific religion. Religion is basically a matter of choice, faith …

डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2022

डेली करंट अफेयर्स for UPSC – 9 December 2022

डेली करंट अफेयर्स फॉर UPSC 2022 in Hindi प्रश्न ‘निर्यातित उत्पादों पर शुल्कों और करों में छूट (RoDTEP) योजना’ के संदर्भ में, निम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार करें: इस योजना के तहत ई-कॉमर्स प्लेटफॉर्म के माध्यम से निर्यात किए गए सामान का लाभ मिल सकता है। इसका उद्देश्य भारत में सड़क क्षेत्र में सार्वजनिक-निजी भागीदारी को …

Daily Current Affairs for UPSC 2022

Daily Current Affairs for UPSC – 9 December 2022

  Daily Current Affairs for UPSC 2022 Q) With reference to the ‘Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP) Scheme’, consider the following statements: Goods exported through e-commerce platforms can benefit under this scheme. The objective is to boost the public-private partnerships in the road sector in India. At present, Special Economic Zone …

Fortified Rice

Fortified Rice Meaning, Introduction, Need, Cause & Concern

Fortified Rice Fortified Rice: The Union Government has published a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to ensure the efficient execution of its distribution program for rice fortification. Days after a fact-finding committee claimed that the fortified rice being supplied in Jharkhand was negatively affecting the area’s tribal inhabitants, the SOP was made public. In order to …